She's not wrong. They are the least of us. You can't be a MAGA and a good person.

Socialism isn't 'normalcy'. Sexually deviant behavior that Democrats push isn't 'normalcy'.

Data Finds Republicans are Obsessed with Searching for Transgender Porn​

I'll never understand why people aren't happy that things are looking much better...oh well.. ;)

Oh he cares.. He's being very patient and explaining to them all.How he's going to make this country so much better than it has been the last four years... Why they don't realize that I do not understand ... But if they choose to be miserable instead of making plans for a better future that's up to them...
It doesn't look much better.
You are already suffering, Sybil. Your own posts show it.
LOL yes oh owe is me!

You of course can't be a MAGAt and a good pertson...I would think that was obvious.

Can you even be a MAGAt and aa person, though, or are all MAGAt's devolved mutants?

I like Sharon Stone a lot, by the way, not that it has too much to do with politics.
The overwhelming majority of Americans disagree.
No, I'm not.

It's actually kind of amazing how many on the right agreed w/ me at one time, including some of Trump's most loyal right now. Lindsey Graham said his party was going "batshit crazy" picking a guy like Trump. Other prominent leaders have said he's a con man, a narcissist, and a pathological liar. His current VP even invoked Hitler's name.

Now of course, they're all like "oh, all I had to do was get to know him." But that's so sad. They're just afraid.

Trump is a con man. He is a narcissist, and a pathological liar. MAGA's project onto him what they want to see - not what he is.

The (D)s will never have a Trump because, despite our faults, we are not craven, self-serving, subservient anti-American deplorable garbage.
Any time I run into someone who declares that others are subhuman, I know the person is a problem.

The Lefties always think they are "Superior", and the Maga are subhuman. What an ugly cult.

Any time I run into someone who declares that others are subhuman, I know the person is a problem.

The Lefties always think they are "Superior", and the Maga are subhuman. What an ugly cult.

Sorry but people who don't eat roadkill are better people. That is a fact.
Sorry but people who don't eat roadkill are better people. That is a fact.

I see that the leftes still don't understand their "Superiority" and Hubris were their downfall.

If you've never been poor enough to eat roadkill, you don't know what poverty is. And you cannot understand how most Americans struggle. The Lefties are fatally tone-deaf and out of touch.

No one wants you.

I see that the leftes still don't understand their "Superiority" and Hubris were their downfall.

If you've never been poor enough to eat roadkill, you don't know what poverty is. And you cannot understand how most Americans struggle. The Lefties are fatally tone-deaf and out of touch.

No one wants you.

Never been poor and never will be. Idiots eat dead animals off the road.