Shit Got Real In Syria

this is fact and it happened and people in this very site treated me like dirt for discussing it at the time.

Even dems
I turned out to be completely right and it in deed happened.

the USA had to admit its use and everyone on the right just talked about something else instead of facing that I was right and it happened.

Now they just pretend it never happened.

Its what the republican base does.

they are partisan hacks with no morals and or no understanding of what is right or wrong
this is fact and it happened and people in this very site treated me like dirt for discussing it at the time.

Even dems
i recall the story, not the coverage, as this was still when the majority of the US population supported the invasion.

I never did, it was a stupid, bloody move with no endgame (to use the chess term), and we are seeing it now, as Iraq is in an all but declared civil war.

Thanks for bringing it up - I am wondering if phosphorous weapons (rockets?) were used here too.
The entire mess in the middle east was started by Bush toppling Sadam.

Yes he was a lump of shit but he was a lump of shit that acted as the cork in the bottle of bees
The entire mess in the middle east was started by Bush toppling Sadam.

Yes he was a lump of shit but he was a lump of shit that acted as the cork in the bottle of bees

so you are saying those 'brown people' are just a bunch of animals? That it takes a brutal dictator to keep 'those people' in line?
Obviously any government that allows in UN observers will immediately begin using chemical weapons. How dim do the CIA think we are?