Shocking Footage: Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWAT teams

it allows him to hold his head up like a man, true to his principles and convictions. not an apathetic 'lesser of two evils' low information voter.

Sure, way to go. Deny reality and see where it lands you! On your dumb ass every time..
A principle is that when only two viable choices exist one should pick the one which serves a purpose and is the lesser evil.
You apparently and he surely both think squeezing the piss out of bullfrogs to make the river rise is a jolly great idea!
When it will do nothing but hurt the bullfrogs and make the fool doing it feel better.
Squeeze away but spitting into the ocean has about as much effect as what he proposed. ...
Lets see, I can choose that axe or that chainsaw to cut down that huge tree. No wait, I can choose this shiny little
butter knife that fascinates me so and appeals to my precious vanity..... Good grief, get a damn clue..
Ok, how is that working out for you? How many such candidates have you managed to get elected?

It is working well. I don't decide who to vote for like I am picking a horse in a race. I vote for the candidate that I think is best for our country.

I have gotten a few elected. None on the national stage yet. But the key word there is "Yet". Momentum is growing.
Sure, way to go. Deny reality and see where it lands you! On your dumb ass every time..
A principle is that when only two viable choices exist one should pick the one which serves a purpose and is the lesser evil.
You apparently and he surely both think squeezing the piss out of bullfrogs to make the river rise is a jolly great idea!
When it will do nothing but hurt the bullfrogs and make the fool doing it feel better.
Squeeze away but spitting into the ocean has about as much effect as what he proposed. ...
Lets see, I can choose that axe or that chainsaw to cut down that huge tree. No wait, I can choose this shiny little
butter knife that fascinates me so and appeals to my precious vanity..... Good grief, get a damn clue..

I have a clue. I know that more and more voters are dissatisfied with the status quo.
Welcome to the world built by the Patriot Act and the NDA. Those were created and pushed thru by both the dems and repubs.

Neither side of the aisle is worried about the freedom of US citizens.

Yeah....but they ain't what they used to be, now are they ? The last four years have seen some changes and additions and ....... "enhancements" shall we say...