Shocking video of NY Democrats sitting through the Pledge of Allegiance

Rubbish. If the entire NY delegation of Rs didn't stand because a D was leading the pledge it would definitely be on the news and spoken about on this website.

I don't care that they didn't stand for the pledge, but pretending this isn't petulant children acting out because things didn't go their way? Not playing. They aren't doing it because they don't like the pledge, or to make a point about how the flag is just a symbol, if it was a D at the podium they'd be standing and reciting the pledge. They aren't doing it for all the good reasons you have heretofore brought to bear, they aren't doing it because they are throwing a fit.

Well one, the two Democrats who joined with the Republicans were corrupt as shit and will probably be thrown out of office in a couple of months due to their felonies. If the Republicans had any dignity they would have rejected the offer as soon as it came up. And two, the Democratic leader has a good argument that it's illegitimate for the chamber to change hands mid-term, and the case is currently winding it's way through courts. BTW, Republicans don't deserve to be recognized.
To me this shows Democrat's typical reaction when they lose power. Remember in 2000 when Clintonites pulled the W's off every keyboard at the White House, AlGore suing the State of Florida, and even today some loonies insist that the election was "stolen". *shrug*

Oh, please S&M don't pull out the trite and not true! yawn...Will the writers for the Republicans PLEASE find some new material...PLEASE!!!!!!!
I noticed in high school that as soon as we started becoming politically aware, the conservatives all chose to stand and the liberals all chose to sit. To me, its a simple profile in character and nothing to obsess over the way the author of this thread did.

Honestly, though, liberals, WTF is so fucking difficult about standing the fuck up and fucking saying the fucking Pledge of Allegiance? FUCK!

Sheesh, it is a choice, what is wrong with choices that don't hurt others? When did we become 1938 Germany or the U.S.S.R. Liberals are about freedom and self governance, not regimented loyalty and blind commitment to the government.

Why don't you get this upset about persons rights being denied, to me that is much more patriotic then repeating words some people don't even understand and are forced to say.

Now, on the other hand, if it is show because of loss of control, then Damo is right and they need to get over it.
Because it is JUST A FUCKING FLAG! I have no problem taking an oath promising to protect and defend the constitution, but I will not talk to a piece of cloth. I stand sometimes, but I don't talk or sing to a flag and it has zero to do with patriotism. I stood and took my oath to the constitution in the Army and don't need to do the same to a flag, a piece of cloth. And this outrage or shock by the right is pure senseless bullshit.

I salute you, sir and I feel the same way. If we only treated our soldiers with as much reverence as we do that piece of cloth!

Long time no see...How 's the go going??

Amazing! just got back from the family reunion and good times!

You still make me laugh! How's the family? Mine is wonderful, moving the daughter and her family into a new is going to be so nice for them.
My 90 yer old mother and 89 year old father are doing fabulous! We celebrated 65 years of their being together. Lots of food, drink and catching up. I have an amazing family and it is a blessing to see my parents doing so well. I am hoping the genes will carry me through like they have been carried!