There is no such thing as a pass/fail. It's always a subjective judgement call on the part of someone who gets tagged to make a determination. If you are telling me that the person overseeing the adjudication was a totally dishonest, TDS-ridden leftist like you, of course the piece of shit will steal his grandmother's false teeth if it will provide yet another stonewall to Trump.
Fortunately, The President can override any and all people within the Executive Branch.
There is no such thing as "unqualified" if the President says "qualified". You would know this if only you could read the Constitution.
There are no tests.
His mistake. He didn't know the Executive branch was so deeply infested with TDS-ridden swamp denizens who were singularly focused on stonewalling his every move. If he had it to do over again, I'm sure he'd bypass every single one of them.
You should learn how the government works. Wait, sorry, that would necessarily involve learning, and you can't do that. How long do you think it will be before you and I have to have this same conversation?