
I don't think the US or EV had any right to tell Ukraine who they could elect or appoint to some position. My point was, and is, it is highly suspicious that the US in particular--and Joke Biden in specific--demanded this replacement holding a billion-dollar foreign aid package over Ukraine's head for it.
Lie. You were so close to being able to have an intelligent discussion.

The world withheld $1 billion because Burisma was NOT being investigated.

Why can't you stop lying?

It wasn't the worlds money it was ours.

And Shokin wasn't prosecuting yet but there was an ongoing investigation.
Who did he demand step in?

He didn't specify. But I, for one, can read between the lines. What do you think Biden would have done if Shokin were replaced by a very competent prosecutor who immediately announced he was going to investigate Burisma instead of an incompetent and corrupt one who likely didn't even know Burisma existed?
This is yet another example of how you are too stupid to learn, and why everything you write can be immediately discarded.

The President determines the authorizations. If the President authorized Kushner, Kusher was authorized. There is no person or body that holds the Executive power besides the President, and you have been told this a dozen times, and you don't care because you refuse to learn. You insist on regurgitating the same ignorance over and over while insisting that others are somehow regurgitating the same ignorance over and over.

At least when your commentary is summarily dismissed and your ignorance becomes the topic of discussion, it won't come as any surprise.

You're a total moron.

Except Trump tried to get Jared to pass the normal procedure of getting Classification and Kushner failed.

So we all know a POTUS can over ride if someone is completely unqualified but that is not how THEY want to do it. IT was not how Trump wanted to do it.

Why do you think Trump put all of his people thru the normal tests for classification when he could have just automatically gave them all the rating?

Do you think Trump was just stupid? Like you?
Correct. They ignore the fact that trump's campaign manager installed a pro Putin govt. in Ukraine. When many of them fled the nation with truckloads of cash during an uprising, an anti corruption govt. was initially elected. One who fled was the owner of Burisma, who also happened to be in a position to award them contracts.

All before anyone knew a guy named 'Hunter'.

Ukraine continued to have growing pains with respect to corruption, which is why Zelenskyy was eventually elected.

Giuliani actively sought out the corrupt Lutsenko because trump preferred the previous administration. No doubt because there was money in it for both him and Manafort.

And they were willing to concoct lies that would help trump, as revenge for being ousted as crooks.

Terry is just stupid.

He does not understand that even though outside parties may push for change they rarely want to try to implement who will follow. ANd in a case like Ukraine, that was rife with corruption there may be no clear good picks.

People can take advantage of the change and find their better angels and push for reform or become worse. When the US threw the English out of America many wondered if the US would turn to its own form of dictator rule. But instead the turn was towards Democracy. That was not guaranteed.
He didn't specify. But I, for one, can read between the lines. What do you think Biden would have done if Shokin were replaced by a very competent prosecutor who immediately announced he was going to investigate Burisma instead of an incompetent and corrupt one who likely didn't even know Burisma existed?

FLOL at you reading between the lines. Your entire existence here is the fabrications you make up 'between the lines', meaning not rooted in any fact or proof you can point to but your 'reading' or 'feelings'.

When the US went after OSama they did not know if what would follow would be worse or better.
When the US went after Saddam same.
Castro, same if they could have got him out.

And so on.

And yet they push the KNOWN bad actor to get out anyway, not knowing what will follow. That is how things work generally in foreign countries. You deal with what you got (bad apple) not knowing what will follow.

Except Trump tried to get Jared to pass the normal procedure of getting Classification and Kushner failed.
There is no such thing as a pass/fail. It's always a subjective judgement call on the part of someone who gets tagged to make a determination. If you are telling me that the person overseeing the adjudication was a totally dishonest, TDS-ridden leftist like you, of course the piece of shit will steal his grandmother's false teeth if it will provide yet another stonewall to Trump.

Fortunately, The President can override any and all people within the Executive Branch.

So we all know a POTUS can over ride if someone is completely unqualified
There is no such thing as "unqualified" if the President says "qualified". You would know this if only you could read the Constitution.

Why do you think Trump put all of his people thru the normal tests for classification
There are no tests.

when he could have just automatically gave them all the rating?
His mistake. He didn't know the Executive branch was so deeply infested with TDS-ridden swamp denizens who were singularly focused on stonewalling his every move. If he had it to do over again, I'm sure he'd bypass every single one of them.

You should learn how the government works. Wait, sorry, that would necessarily involve learning, and you can't do that. How long do you think it will be before you and I have to have this same conversation?


There is no such thing as a pass/fail. It's always a subjective judgement call on the part of someone who gets tagged to make a determination. If you are telling me that the person overseeing the adjudication was a totally dishonest, TDS-ridden leftist like you, of course the piece of shit will steal his grandmother's false teeth if it will provide yet another stonewall to Trump.

Fortunately, The President can override any and all people within the Executive Branch.

There is no such thing as "unqualified" if the President says "qualified". You would know this if only you could read the Constitution.

There are no tests.

His mistake. He didn't know the Executive branch was so deeply infested with TDS-ridden swamp denizens who were singularly focused on stonewalling his every move. If he had it to do over again, I'm sure he'd bypass every single one of them.

You should learn how the government works. Wait, sorry, that would necessarily involve learning, and you can't do that. How long do you think it will be before you and I have to have this same conversation?


You will have the answer to that after 2024
It wasn't the worlds money it was ours.

And Shokin wasn't prosecuting yet but there was an ongoing investigation.
Shokin was tasked with pursuing corrupt politicians in Ukraine's govt.. Burisma was only an issue because one of the two most corrupt exiled leaders owned the company. Shokin, a corrupt money grubbing individual himself, was not doing his job.

The E.U was part of the aid package, and they wanted to make sure that the govt. that trump's campaign manager installed for Putin was gone before any money was sent.

[FONT=&quot]Daria Kaleniuk, the co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, credited Biden, the [/FONT][FONT=&quot]International Monetary Fund[/FONT][FONT=&quot] — which threatened to delay [/FONT][FONT=&quot]$40 billion[/FONT][FONT=&quot] in aid for similar reasons — and others with the prosecutor's removal.[/FONT]
Terry is just stupid.

He does not understand that even though outside parties may push for change they rarely want to try to implement who will follow. ANd in a case like Ukraine, that was rife with corruption there may be no clear good picks.

People can take advantage of the change and find their better angels and push for reform or become worse. When the US threw the English out of America many wondered if the US would turn to its own form of dictator rule. But instead the turn was towards Democracy. That was not guaranteed.
Before the information age, we regularly installed the dictators that would play ball with us. It rarely ended well once the people rose up, so now we just roll the dice as you suggest
He didn't specify. But I, for one, can read between the lines. What do you think Biden would have done if Shokin were replaced by a very competent prosecutor who immediately announced he was going to investigate Burisma instead of an incompetent and corrupt one who likely didn't even know Burisma existed?
Fascinating. Are you a psychic as well?

What makes you believe that any Burisma investigation would be a threat to Biden?

Please...just read the ACTUAL lines. Not the blank spaces
Except Trump tried to get Jared to pass the normal procedure of getting Classification and Kushner failed.

So we all know a POTUS can over ride if someone is completely unqualified but that is not how THEY want to do it. IT was not how Trump wanted to do it.

Why do you think Trump put all of his people thru the normal tests for classification when he could have just automatically gave them all the rating?

Do you think Trump was just stupid? Like you?
In retrospect, it was trump who was the biggest threat to national security.

Many of us knew it before he was elected

There is no such thing as a pass/fail. It's always a subjective judgement call on the part of someone who gets tagged to make a determination. If you are telling me that the person overseeing the adjudication was a totally dishonest, TDS-ridden leftist like you, of course the piece of shit will steal his grandmother's false teeth if it will provide yet another stonewall to Trump.

Fortunately, The President can override any and all people within the Executive Branch.

There is no such thing as "unqualified" if the President says "qualified". You would know this if only you could read the Constitution.

There are no tests.

His mistake. He didn't know the Executive branch was so deeply infested with TDS-ridden swamp denizens who were singularly focused on stonewalling his every move. If he had it to do over again, I'm sure he'd bypass every single one of them.

You should learn how the government works. Wait, sorry, that would necessarily involve learning, and you can't do that. How long do you think it will be before you and I have to have this same conversation?
Ya i'm done with you.

You are completely ignorant of the US systems of laws and the Constitution.

You are denying that no one gets denied Classification access, which many do, and conflating that with the fact that POTUS can give them a pass on the requirements and give them classification status anyway.

That is because you are dumb. People apply for and fail to get classification status all the time and the do not get it as POTUS does not intervene on their behalf.

You need to learn how the US system works or shut up.
Shokin was tasked with pursuing corrupt politicians in Ukraine's govt.. Burisma was only an issue because one of the two most corrupt exiled leaders owned the company. Shokin, a corrupt money grubbing individual himself, was not doing his job.

The E.U was part of the aid package, and they wanted to make sure that the govt. that trump's campaign manager installed for Putin was gone before any money was sent.

Daria Kaleniuk, the co-founder and executive director of the Anti Corruption Action Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, credited Biden, the International Monetary Fund — which threatened to delay $40 billion in aid for similar reasons — and others with the prosecutor's removal.

People like Terry will say 'the $40B in aid was meaningless. The desire for reform was meaningless. That they started years before Hunter joined Burisma board is meaningless. This was all about getting Hunter benefit and protecting him and Burisma and that is why the IMF and EU and others preemptively started all this years before Hunter joined. They knew he was joining later and wanted to get out of front of it for Joe'.

That is the depths of stupid people like Terry need to convince themselves of to be able to accept the narrative they have created for themselves. And that is because Fox news and other right media have fed them only that narrative, that the world revolves around Hunter Biden and without any other information that sunk in to them and they believed it. And now they feel they cannot accept other facts as they do not want to accept they were wrong and duped.
Fascinating. Are you a psychic as well?

What makes you believe that any Burisma investigation would be a threat to Biden?

Please...just read the ACTUAL lines. Not the blank spaces

It's clear that Joke knew his kid "worked" --using the term loosely-- for Burisma. That's 100% clear, lying Joke Biden notwithstanding on that. He knew Shokin was looking into the Oligarchs and the CEO of that company. The FBI 1023 makes it clear that Joke was in on what was going on between Burisma and his kid.
He demanded--demanded--Shokin be fired in a quid pro quo--fire him or you don't your foreign aid. That's pretty damn specific. The only piece of that that's not crystal clear is what Joke would have done if Ukraine appointed a more competent, less corrupt prosecutor versus the thoroughly corrupt and incompetent one they did appoint to replace Shokin.

That's like 95% more solid evidence than the Democrats and FBI had on Trump being a "Putin puppet" as the Trump haters here call him... You believed and likely still believe Trump was a Russian shill, but you can't accept that Joke Biden is a corrupt politician on the take.
People like Terry will say 'the $40B in aid was meaningless. The desire for reform was meaningless. That they started years before Hunter joined Burisma board is meaningless. This was all about getting Hunter benefit and protecting him and Burisma and that is why the IMF and EU and others preemptively started all this years before Hunter joined. They knew he was joining later and wanted to get out of front of it for Joe'.

That is the depths of stupid people like Terry need to convince themselves of to be able to accept the narrative they have created for themselves. And that is because Fox news and other right media have fed them only that narrative, that the world revolves around Hunter Biden and without any other information that sunk in to them and they believed it. And now they feel they cannot accept other facts as they do not want to accept they were wrong and duped.
Well...he did admit to knowing absolutely nothing about the topic.
It's clear that Joke knew his kid "worked" --using the term loosely-- for Burisma. That's 100% clear, lying Joke Biden notwithstanding on that. He knew Shokin was looking into the Oligarchs and the CEO of that company. .
This is where I stopped reading, because once again you are just making shit up.