APP - should all voters

should all voters be required to pass the same test that naturalized citizens must

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Don Quixote

cancer survivor
should all voters be required to pass the same exam that naturalized citizens must pass to become citizens

this test may be in spanish in such states that require both english and spanish languages for voting materials in their constitutions

these tests may be written differently as are driver's license tests but requiring the same basic knowledge of u s of a civics
should all voters be required to pass the same exam that naturalized citizens must pass to become citizens

this test may be in spanish in such states that require both english and spanish languages for voting materials in their constitutions

these tests may be written differently as are driver's license tests but requiring the same basic knowledge of u s of a civics

That would be nice if this could be done but more importantly there should be a test that you are a citizen, you are alive, eligible and you only vote once.
A lot of people would never pass the test given to naturalized citizens. Its sad to say, but those who come here and become citizens know more about our nation's history and how our nation works than do most of those who were born here.
should all voters be required to pass the same exam that naturalized citizens must pass to become citizens

this test may be in spanish in such states that require both english and spanish languages for voting materials in their constitutions

these tests may be written differently as are driver's license tests but requiring the same basic knowledge of u s of a civics
With some exceptions the test must be taken in English. Being able to read, write and speak English are now requirements for naturalization. Those who immigrated before this became mandeated are excepted (i.e. grandfathered) from this rule.
The poll is based on a false premis. The requirements for citizenship are differant then the requirements to vote.

Such poll tests have been used before to prevent undesirable people, mainly racial minorities, from voting and were found to be unconstitutional.
A lot of people would never pass the test given to naturalized citizens. Its sad to say, but those who come here and become citizens know more about our nation's history and how our nation works than do most of those who were born here.
Having actually seen the test I'd say most high school graduates would have no problem passing the test. It's a 10 question exam selected from a 100 sample of questions about American History and Civics. BCIS provides the 100 questions, with answers, on their web site for those who have applied for naturalization to study. I think one needs to score 6 or 7 of the questions correctly to pass.

By far the harder requirement for most applying for naturalization is learning to read, write and speak English.
A lot of people would never pass the test given to naturalized citizens. Its sad to say, but those who come here and become citizens know more about our nation's history and how our nation works than do most of those who were born here.

It's true and very disturbing.