APP - should all voters

should all voters be required to pass the same test that naturalized citizens must

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  • Poll closed .
With some exceptions the test must be taken in English. Being able to read, write and speak English are now requirements for naturalization. Those who immigrated before this became mandeated are excepted (i.e. grandfathered) from this rule.

while i tend to agree about the english, calif has a state constitutional requirement to use both english and spanish
The poll is based on a false premis. The requirements for citizenship are differant then the requirements to vote.

Such poll tests have been used before to prevent undesirable people, mainly racial minorities, from voting and were found to be unconstitutional.

i realize this, but the point of this test would be to ensure that voters would understand the electoral process and the tests would be standardized not made up by some local redneck to keep minorities from voting

besides, if a naturalized citizen can learn it so should a natural citizen
while i tend to agree about the english, calif has a state constitutional requirement to use both english and spanish
California law has nothing to do with this. Were talking US Federal law. You cannot become a California citizen with out first becoming a US Citizen. Federal law trumps State law here so what California requires means absolutely nothing to USBCIS. Unless you're grandfathered in you must be able to speak, read and write in English to pass your citizenship exam.
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i realize this, but the point of this test would be to ensure that voters would understand the electoral process and the tests would be standardized not made up by some local redneck to keep minorities from voting

besides, if a naturalized citizen can learn it so should a natural citizen
Again, unconstitutional. The right to vote for a citizen is an inalienable right that cannot be denied with out due process of law. No matter how you standardized it the only purpose of a poll test it to deny a US Citizen their constitutional right to vote. That is wrong.
Let me ask you this. Should all resident aliens who serve in the US Military be granted US Citizenship for themselves and their immediate family (wife, children and dependent parents) upon being honorably discharged or upon dying in service of this nation?

Currently they are not.
Let me ask you this. Should all resident aliens who serve in the US Military be granted US Citizenship for themselves and their immediate family (wife, children and dependent parents) upon being honorably discharged or upon dying in service of this nation?

Currently they are not.

if they pass the civics test, except for those that die in the line of duty
Again, unconstitutional. The right to vote for a citizen is an inalienable right that cannot be denied with out due process of law. No matter how you standardized it the only purpose of a poll test it to deny a US Citizen their constitutional right to vote. That is wrong.

that was the purpose of the original poll tests

i would propose a constitutional amendment that all citizens would have to pass the same test that naturalized citizens do

since the information is taught in high school it could be used as a requirement to graduate

this test would not be designed like previous poll tests to exclude certain classes of the nation or races, but to ensure that voters understood the electoral and governance principles of our nation

if immigrants can learn that material so should our youth

perhaps people that are already voters could be grandfathered in
California law has nothing to do with this. Were talking US Federal law. You cannot become a California citizen with out first becoming a US Citizen. Federal law trumps State law here so what California requires means absolutely nothing to USBCIS. Unless you're grandfathered in you must be able to speak, read and write in English to pass your citizenship exam.

you have a point, however, a treaty with mexico caused the calif constitution to be so modified

personally, i think that we should all learn english, including current citizens that supposedly have graduated high school

special classes could be made available to learn english and u s of a government to meet that voting requirement
you have a point, however, a treaty with mexico caused the calif constitution to be so modified

personally, i think that we should all learn english, including current citizens that supposedly have graduated high school

special classes could be made available to learn english and u s of a government to meet that voting requirement
What about Dixie? He's lived here his whole life and still can't speak English.
So in other words no. Some answers on a piece of paper are more important then actually serving you country?

have you read the questions that are asked

you have to take a test to be allowed to serve

how can a person swear allegiance to a constitution that they have no idea of what it says

the test should not be difficult for any high school graduate that paid attention during their us history and government classes

I would NEVER support a law for ANY test of a citizen to vote.

so it is ok for immigrants that become citizens to know more than citizens about how our nation's government works

ps the test would only need to be passed once - special schools could be created to teach the required information and scotus would have to pass on the test
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should all voters be required to pass the same exam that naturalized citizens must pass to become citizens

this test may be in spanish in such states that require both english and spanish languages for voting materials in their constitutions

these tests may be written differently as are driver's license tests but requiring the same basic knowledge of u s of a civics

I vote no.

And would also like to know which pollster decided that voters don't know what newly-naturalized citizens know.