Should blm and antifa be banned ?

Terrorist organizations are given the designation by the government. Trump said he was going to designate Antifa as one, but failed. There is no effort to get BLM so designated. The Proud Boys would qualify better. White Supremacists are designated as such. Congress found White Supremacists and far-right organizations are the biggest terrorist threats in America.
BLM is trying to make America live up to its promises of treating blacks and minorities as equals and not allow police to beat and kill them. That is a positive.

LOL.LOL. I am sorry but I just cant take you seriously. You fly directly in the face of truth and facts. You see, I can say that Proud boys are slime and I no way support what theystand for. But you will never cite the truth on the BLM and Antifa despite tons of evidence and numerous videos of actual recordings on Youtube. And that is the difference between you and me and the leftie marxists and people who support Mr Trump. I dont like nor support any law breaking or any deliberate bias favouring one race pver another ... YOU DO.
If I say that I am against fascism and police brutality, I should be charged and fined? If I say I am a member of BLM/Antifa, I should be charged and fined?

Now who are being Fascists?
Terrorist organizations are given the designation by the government. Trump said he was going to designate Antifa as one, but failed. There is no effort to get BLM so designated. The Proud Boys would qualify better. White Supremacists are designated as such. Congress found White Supremacists and far-right organizations are the biggest terrorist threats in America.
BLM is trying to make America live up to its promises of treating blacks and minorities as equals and not allow police to beat and kill them. That is a positive.
The definition of what is a Terrorist is enshrined in law. Such scribed law does not say - Islamic - IRA or Foreign Countries. The law cites any person or persons who collude to bring about change in government policy by use of FORCE. That is terrorism.
The law on assault and battery does not say: All drunks who start a fight in a bar are assaulters and batterers. It has a broad meaning covering the specific act... To put fear of being harmed, in imminent threat thereof. and the Battery is when contact is made - carry out the threat. You do not have to touch a person or even be present with that person to commit assault. and you can commit a battery without assault. The law does not say: Muslims are assaulters and drunks are batterers.Does it??
ANY PERSON (s) who attempts to bring about a change in government policy or prevent lawful government policy - by use of force - is literally a terrorist whether they be in Afghanistan or in New York. The BLM and Antifa perfectly fit the legal definition of Terrorism. If the Proud Boys fit that also then I want them arrested.
If I say that I am against fascism and police brutality, I should be charged and fined? If I say I am a member of BLM/Antifa, I should be charged and fined?

Now who are being Fascists?
Yes If YOU say that and only YOU adhere to YOUR slant on it. I think Mike Tyson having raped a woman is not a boxer I can respect. Despite my serious interest in boxing. I have friends who totally love Tyson and dismiss the fact he raped a woman. You see, it all depends on your values as a person.
Despite tons of evidence showing the BLM and of course ANIFA acting violently and inciting murder and destruction you and people like you will gladly ignore that because it suits your ideological mindset. This is called duplicity and dishonesty and devoid of character and integrity. I prefer things my way.
Yes If YOU say that and only YOU adhere to YOUR slant on it. I think Mike Tyson having raped a woman is not a boxer I can respect. Despite my serious interest in boxing. I have friends who totally love Tyson and dismiss the fact he raped a woman. You see, it all depends on your values as a person.
Despite tons of evidence showing the BLM and of course ANIFA acting violently and inciting murder and destruction you and people like you will gladly ignore that because it suits your ideological mindset. This is called duplicity and dishonesty and devoid of character and integrity. I prefer things my way.

Now I feel the need to take a rabies vaccine shot.
I have never, ever, not anywhere on the internet seen a leftie Dem libtard reply/comment to a specific or generic political or societal subject matter with any semblance of rational thought. They are especially adept at posting some bizarre, inane pathetic smarty smug answer when the truth has been put to them.
The very sad fact about this is that they do not give a flying fuxk. They do not care one scintilla for truth or logic or decency or rule of law or justice or fairness.
As long as they (leftie libtard dems) feel good inside and their fragile ego is stroked they are happy as pigs in shit.
Never has there been a more nasty evil sector of society, since the Nazis, as the neo marxist, leftie dems.
When a person or group do not give a flying fuxk about the severe damage they inflict on society (psychopaths) we know trouble lies ahead.
I say they should along with groups like the national alliance and the KKK they are all hate groups , some against our government and some like blm and antifa have been involved in violence across the nation /

All those who defended them and helped then money wise like Harris and Biden should be charged and fine and removed from office

No they shouldn't. Instead, they should be on an equal footing with groups like White Supremists, the KKK, or other violent extreme Right hate groups. They're basically the same, so they should be treated the same.
No they shouldn't. Instead, they should be on an equal footing with groups like White Supremists, the KKK, or other violent extreme Right hate groups. They're basically the same, so they should be treated the same.

so you know I went full radical to see how democrats would act as they want such groups removed that were far right but they wont say it when its far left I agree they should all be treated the same
LOL.LOL. I am sorry but I just cant take you seriously. You fly directly in the face of truth and facts. You see, I can say that Proud boys are slime and I no way support what theystand for. But you will never cite the truth on the BLM and Antifa despite tons of evidence and numerous videos of actual recordings on Youtube. And that is the difference between you and me and the leftie marxists and people who support Mr Trump. I dont like nor support any law breaking or any deliberate bias favouring one race pver another ... YOU DO.

You accept the lies as fact. BLM was thrown into violence by the police. They attacked them wearing riot gear, tear-gassed them, shot them with rubber bullets and waded in with clubs. Try and remember Trumpsupside down bible photo op. The people were standing around peacefully and Trump needed a mess, so he sent the cops in to create one. If the cops were not creating violence, there would have been much ,much less.
It is obvious that people posting here have not been in demonstrations. When you gather before one, you tell the people to expect violence from the cops, and they are to stay peaceful. But that is hard to do when people are being attacked. Not everyone can.
You accept the lies as fact. BLM was thrown into violence by the police. They attacked them wearing riot gear, tear-gassed them, shot them with rubber bullets and waded in with clubs. Try and remember Trumpsupside down bible photo op. The people were standing around peacefully and Trump needed a mess, so he sent the cops in to create one. If the cops were not creating violence, there would have been much ,much less.
It is obvious that people posting here have not been in demonstrations. When you gather before one, you tell the people to expect violence from the cops, and they are to stay peaceful. But that is hard to do when people are being attacked. Not everyone can.
No I do not accept what you say. Because Biden never once spoke against violence. He took an oath, he served as vice president for years. He has a duty to 100% stand for the rule of law. He did, in fact, applaud the BLM and relished the trouble and mayhem they caused because it put Mr Trumps administration as if they were to blame and that suited Biden just fine.
Did Dr King march down the streets shout - "PIGS IN A BLANKET, DEATH TO POLICE"!! ? Did Dr King incite and fuel violence and murder. I am not saying there is no disruption from all sides my point is that despite clear video evidence of the BLM and ANtifa and the DEms linking to them and supporting them (because that makes Trump look bad) the DEMs never ever accept that. They never ever speak against such violence. If I saw CLEAR evidence (not twisted Fox or CNN reports) of Republicans or TRump committing to violence and destruction I would speak out and never support it. ( I am not talking if self defence).
Do YOU really think George Floyd was a "saint" a "good guy" a "credit to his race" and good influence for black people (or any race of people) do YOIU really think that???
If you do you are totally nuts and have some serious flaws in your logic and judgement.
Dont you think the BLM would be better if they spoke FOR that young pregnant woman Floyd stuck a loaded gun in het stomach and told her he will kill her and her baby in her body <<<<<< I absolutely believe the BLM would serve black people better if they spoke and marched for that pregnant woman. Dont you???

I dont know if you are black or white but would you prefer is the MSM supported Charles Mansons gang of killers or the people his gang killed??? The trouble is people with perverse logic think that speaking against Floyd means you support the cop who kneeled on his neck - the two are NOT connected when truth is applied. No way do I support that cop, he should get what is coming to him. But the BLM destroyed towns and states, living a lie, inciting serious trouble for their marxist ideology.
In conclusion: we have white people who pontificate to black people... telling them how they know best for them. This is because they feel good doing that but they do not mean it. For me the ultimate racist is the white person who treats the black person as if THAT black person is incapable of thinking and deciding for themselves how to live their lives and make the right choices.They never say; Stop being the victim and work hard and abide by the law << instead they say.... "look how you (your people) were treated 200 years ago... are you going to stand for that and let the whites get away with it" dragging them down and presuming to know better as if a black person is stupid and incapable. This is the real racist.
As an Irish person, my parents and siblings never, ever keep on moaning about the Irish great famine, the British murdering poor Irish farming people. The Jews never forget the Holocaust but do they go around wanting death to all Germans?? do white Christians preach how they should live??
Muhammad Ali - Dr King - Paul Robeson - Nina Simone - Gandhi - are literally MY TOP rated people in my whole life. yet I am white. Why is that. I am not making this up. I have books and photos and recordings and even a letter from Muhammad Ali to me. I have a signed picture (original - signed by Ali and Joe Frazier (thrilla in Manilla) I paid thousand of dollars for it. Why would I do that? Its not because of sentimental "poor blacks" I must support them.!!!
They literally influenced my life and still do. My values and principles were formed around the bravery of Ali - Robeson - Gandhi - Dr KIng .. because I love how individuals go against the crowd and power/authority because of their beliefs - risking their own lives. No matter what. Ali was the most famous person on Earth for many decades. Millions upon millions - even billions of people loved Ali. Most were white people.
My stance is to do with the double speak of the leftie dems. IF YOU SHOWED REAL TANGIBLE EVIDENCE and I mean REAL evidence of Mr Trump sexually abusing females I would stop supporting him today. But no one ever does.They make statements. Thats it. But the leftie dems agenda, sick mind will never let then speak against Biden, not even if he stabbed children with a fork. They would carry on as normal and push their agenda.
I have never, ever, not anywhere on the internet seen a leftie Dem libtard reply/comment to a specific or generic political or societal subject matter with any semblance of rational thought. They are especially adept at posting some bizarre, inane pathetic smarty smug answer when the truth has been put to them.
The very sad fact about this is that they do not give a flying fuxk. They do not care one scintilla for truth or logic or decency or rule of law or justice or fairness.
As long as they (leftie libtard dems) feel good inside and their fragile ego is stroked they are happy as pigs in shit.
Never has there been a more nasty evil sector of society, since the Nazis, as the neo marxist, leftie dems.
When a person or group do not give a flying fuxk about the severe damage they inflict on society (psychopaths) we know trouble lies ahead.

You revealed so much about yourself with that post. There are lots of smart leftys here. You being so dismissive is about you. Libtard? Very rush of you.