Fact=At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020 another fact, not one cop, not one politician nor was anyone beaten with an American flag. The big big difference btw the two....it was pro Trump rednecks vs peaceful protesters that caused a lot of the deaths last summer, not all but most and and and you ass ho, the majority of all the protest last summer were peaceful and orderly. As for the looting, once again, stealing a china made walmart 10 dollar walmart shoe vs the house speakers lap top to sell to the russians.....apple and effin lemons moron
well lets look at blm riots shall we just for shits and giggles
Here’s a look back through the Legal Insurrection archives at the protest violence and other dangerous activities that occurred during an over six-month period of time here in America in 2020 courtesy of the left-wing extremists in Antifa and BLM:
–MSNBC Reporter Describes Minneapolis “Protest” as “Not, Generally Speaking, Unruly” as He Stands in Front of Burning Building
–Mob Throws Statue of Hans Christian Heg, Abolitionist, Into Lake Monona
–It’s Going Down: Seattle Surrenders a Police Station and Four City Blocks to Antifa
–America Under Attack: Riots and Looting Nationwide
–Portland Rioters Set Fire to Bloody Pig’s Head With Cop’s Hat on U.S. Flag
–Man Violently Attacked in Portland: “I was stabbed for being a conservative journalist”
–Media, Portland Mayor Mischaracterize Assault on Federal Courthouse as “Protests”
–Sen. Rand Paul and others attacked by DC mobs after leaving Trump speech
–Kenosha, WI Under Siege By Antifa/BLM Rioters
–Riot First, Asks Questions Later: Minneapolis Looting Sparked By False Report Of Police Shooting ( I really liked this part where they tried to kill the entire police force by
–DC BLM Mob Harasses White Diners, Demanding They Raise Fists In Solidarity (burning them to death
–Portland Rioters Wheel Guillotine Through Suburbs, Execute American Flag
–Report: Seattle Rioters Tried to Burn Police Officers Alive By Sealing Precinct Door Shut
–Portland: BLM Mob Causes Man to Crash, Beats Him Unconscious
–‘Peaceful Protesters’ in Portland Set Fire to County Government Building
–Chicago Looters Attack Ronald McDonald House
–Over 100 People Arrested in Chicago Overnight Amid Rampant Rioting and Looting
–Louisville, Other Cities Struck by Violence, Riots for Second Night After Breonna Taylor Decision
–BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police on Shoplifters
–Two Los Angeles County Deputies Shot; BLM Chants “We Hope They Die” Outside Hospital
–Black Lives Matter Rioters Ransack Rochester, NY
–‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
–National Guard Deployed to Philadelphia After Violence, Looting Explodes for the Second Night
–Pro-Trump Rally Attacked In Liberal Ithaca (NY)
–BLM Rioters Damage Homes, Stores in Wisconsin After DA Won’t Charge Cop in Fatal Shooting
billions of dollars of damage done by liberals billions
The Capitol riot was VERY BAD, and everyone condemns it. But, dismissing 2020's riots as "just burning small businesses" and "totally different" is dishonest. Rioters burned down an active precinct with cops initially in it, set up a literal city-state, and killed 34 people.
Here are CNN and MSNBC hosts and guests defending violent protesters this summer. The same condemnation should occur for all violent protesters regardless of their politics. But that doesn’t happen in today’s media: pic.twitter.com/s4IxVXXjDl
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) January 8, 2021
When Antifa terrorists were attacking cops, looting businesses, and burning down American cities, CNN's @melissakchan called them "peaceful protesters" and "a few bad apples," and accused "outside actors" of staging "chaos footage." Receipts to follow…
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) January 7, 2021
When the left rioted in DC, burning and looting the nation's capital, and injuring Secret Service agents, they were rewarded with getting "Black Lives Matter" written on the street and having a plaza named in their honor.
man tries to help trangender woman and democtats drag him out of his truck and beat him till he passes out
old woman in wheel chair beaten by blm protesters
https://theconservativeopinion.com/... being,to do her part in stopping the looting.
BLM Leader Calls for Killing Police as Supporters Harass D.C. Restaurant Goers
‘BURN THEM DOWN’ BLM leader threatens to ‘burn the White House down’ and put police ‘in f***ing graves’
Ill post more for you another time moron