Should Coca Cola be made with cocaine?

Practice does not confirm this. People in the roaring 20s look healthy and happy. And alcoholics are oldmen at 30 and kill children.

Coca-Cola quickly caught on as an 'intellectual beverage among well-off whites. But when the company started selling it in bottles in 1899, minorities who couldn't get into the segregated soda fountains suddenly had access to it.

Taking the cocaine out of Coca-Cola was actually done for racist reasons! So was the banning of cocaine period. So blame your own Racist Republicans for that!

Anyone with a nickel, black or white, could then drink the cocaine-infused beverage. Middle-class whites worried that soft drinks were contributing to what they saw as exploding cocaine use among African-Americans. Southern newspapers reported that "negro cocaine fiends" were raping white women, the police powerless to stop them. By 1903, [then-manager of Coca-Cola Asa Griggs] Candler had bowed to white fears (and a wave of anti-narcotics legislation), removing the cocaine and adding more sugar and caffeine.

The role of racism and social injustice in Coca-Cola's removal of coca is corroborated by the attitudes that shaped the subsequent U.S. cocaine regulation movement. Cocaine wasn't even illegal until 1914 -- 11 years after Coca-Cola had already removed all cocaine out of the formula -- but a massive surge in cocaine use was at its peak at the turn of the century.

Recreational use increased five-fold in a period of less than two decades. During that time, racially oriented arguments about rape and other violence, and social effects more so than physical health concerns, came to shape the discussion. The same hypersexuality that was touted as a selling point during the short-lived glory days of Vin Mariani (invented a Cocaine Wine Drink sold in Europe) was now a crux of cocaine's bigoted indictment.

U.S. State Department official Dr. Hamilton Wright said in 1910, "The use of cocaine by the negroes of the South is one of the most elusive and troublesome questions which confront the enforcement of the law ... often the direct incentive to the crime of rape by the negroes." Dr. Edward Williams described in the Medical Standard in 1914, "The negro who has become a cocaine-doper is a constant menace to his community. His whole nature is changed for the worse ... timid negroes develop a degree of 'Dutch courage' which is sometimes almost incredible."
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Coca-Cola quickly caught on as an 'intellectual beverage among well-off whites. But when the company started selling it in bottles in 1899, minorities who couldn't get into the segregated soda fountains suddenly had access to it.

Taking the cocaine out of Coca-Cola was actually done for racist reasons! So was the banning of cocaine period. So blame your own Racist Republicans for that!

Anyone with a nickel, black or white, could then drink the cocaine-infused beverage. Middle-class whites worried that soft drinks were contributing to what they saw as exploding cocaine use among African-Americans. Southern newspapers reported that "negro cocaine fiends" were raping white women, the police powerless to stop them. By 1903, [then-manager of Coca-Cola Asa Griggs] Candler had bowed to white fears (and a wave of anti-narcotics legislation), removing the cocaine and adding more sugar and caffeine.

The role of racism and social injustice in Coca-Cola's removal of coca is corroborated by the attitudes that shaped the subsequent U.S. cocaine regulation movement. Cocaine wasn't even illegal until 1914 -- 11 years after Coca-Cola had already removed all cocaine out of the formula -- but a massive surge in cocaine use was at its peak at the turn of the century.

Recreational use increased five-fold in a period of less than two decades. During that time, racially oriented arguments about rape and other violence, and social effects more so than physical health concerns, came to shape the discussion. The same hypersexuality that was touted as a selling point during the short-lived glory days of Vin Mariani (invented a Cocaine Wine Drink sold in Europe) was now a crux of cocaine's bigoted indictment.

U.S. State Department official Dr. Hamilton Wright said in 1910, "The use of cocaine by the negroes of the South is one of the most elusive and troublesome questions which confront the enforcement of the law ... often the direct incentive to the crime of rape by the negroes." Dr. Edward Williams described in the Medical Standard in 1914, "The negro who has become a cocaine-doper is a constant menace to his community. His whole nature is changed for the worse ... timid negroes develop a degree of 'Dutch courage' which is sometimes almost incredible."

All this is nonsense, cocaine was withdrawn from Coca-Cola exactly when Prohibition was repealed. This is the work of the left, who wanted to produce slaves, and slaves were always given alcohol.

The right has never been racist. The right is essentially the spirit of the former Mexico. Trump is the first "right" racist, but trump is RINO
Although propagandists claim that cocaine is harmful, Coca Cola with cocaine has been in the market for over 30 years, and those were good years for America. Old people and children drank cocaine and everything was in order. When cocaine was withdrawn from Coca Cola in 1929, America entered into a protracted crisis and Americans were deprived of their freedom. Alcoholics began to drink alcohol freely and committed crimes.

In 1929,alcohol was illegal and brought on a crime wave,like never before.
All this is nonsense, cocaine was withdrawn from Coca-Cola exactly when Prohibition was repealed. This is the work of the left, who wanted to produce slaves, and slaves were always given alcohol.

The right has never been racist. The right is essentially the spirit of the former Mexico. Trump is the first "right" racist, but trump is RINO

Dude, did you make past the 3rd grade- OR DID YOU GET THROWN OUT FOR NOT SHAVING? :thinking:
Any ban causes a wave of crime, the question is where this wave comes from, from slave Europe or from free America. Cocaine is the drug of freedom, and alcohol is the drug of the German slaves.

The crime wave always comes from the government tries to take away something the People want,and a black market comes into play.
Although propagandists claim that cocaine is harmful, Coca Cola with cocaine has been in the market for over 30 years, and those were good years for America. Old people and children drank cocaine and everything was in order. When cocaine was withdrawn from Coca Cola in 1929, America entered into a protracted crisis and Americans were deprived of their freedom. Alcoholics began to drink alcohol freely and committed crimes.

I have to admit, that is about the weirdest post I've ever read...