APP - should corporations have the same rights as citizens

should corporations have the same rights as citizens

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i have asked the same question. should bill gate be prohibited from purchasing political ads? what about soros?

in the decision, scotus addressed shell groups and found shell groups, iirc, the same as corps...or similar....i skimmed it three days ago, so i might be wrong on that....but i think they made an issue about the shell groups and how they have speech and the actual corps do not

once more full employment for lawyers - sorting out what the decision actually means will take a while, but it looks like the average person is totally screwed...again

but, there are more of us than them, maybe we can fight back somehow - look what bho did using the internet...and some large donors
You do realize that is like asking the fox to guard the hen house, right?

No, it is not the same. Regulatory oversight is what we already depend on.

Listen to what you're saying... it doesn't even make sense! Corporations are 100% people, they would simply not function without them! 100% of ALL Stockholders in ALL companies, are PEOPLE! INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE! What part of that are you not comprehending?

Corporations are entities made up of people, but that does not make it the single voice of the people it employs. It's like teacher friends I have that hate how their unions speak for education in DC. You keep wanting to pretend that the power that a corporation has to weild influence, is some benevolent voice of the people who it employs. It is NOT. It is merely the voice of its own self interest which may or may not be of benefit to the people it employs or of this country!

Corporations are NOT independent entities without human element! This is how you seem to want to view them, and it's patently unfair. Most corporations are not corrupt or interested in corruption, they are simply legitimate businesses in America, with normal reasonable interests related to trade and commerce.

I never said they had no human element Dix. I said it was not neccesarilly representitive of the people within it. I have insinuated it is too likely only representative of a very small percentage of people at the very top. That this is what is wrong with it having the ability to weild so much influence. I have also said that it is my opinion, and one you have not swayed, insults aside.

At some point in time, did someone give you a cup with something sweet and fruity to drink? I think you may have been infected... Corporations are NOT our enemy! They are comprised of people just like you and me, and the interest of the corporation, is the interest of every stockholder, employee, investor, and the CEO! If they lobby a politician for something to advantage their corporation, doesn't it also benefit the people who work there, the investors, the affiliated individuals? Isn't that good for jobs and economic prosperity? Or have you started being overwhelmed with the thought that all capitalism is greed, and evil?

Again with the dumb insults? I have never said corporations are our enemy. I do believe that their very self interest is what we should be guarding against in the political arena. The kind of power they; PAC's; Unions; and other special interest can use to influence elections is beyond ugly, it's fascist. And frankly I am sick and tired of it and excited that so many other people are too!

You can have the last word.
No, it is not the same. Regulatory oversight is what we already depend on.

Yes, the Federal Election Commission, the people who were taken to the Supreme Court and lost, because it is unconstitutional to stifle free speech.

Corporations are entities made up of people

Corporations are not entities unto themselves. The "entity" is the collection of people who comprise the corporation, it has NO animate power whatsoever!

but that does not make it the single voice of the people it employs.

Is anyone questioning this? The point I've made is, the people who speak for the corporation, have the corporate interests at heart, and this is beneficial to every associate of that corporation. They DO share this commonality.

It's like teacher friends I have that hate how their unions speak for education in DC. You keep wanting to pretend that the power that a corporation has to weild influence, is some benevolent voice of the people who it employs. It is NOT.

Again, I didn't make that claim, but now that you've mentioned unions... why does their money and influence not do whatever terrible thing will be done if corporations have the same advantage? I fail to understand that part of your logic. I understood when you were dreaming about a world where no money would be involved in politics, but I thought we came back to reality? The fact is, there will always be someone with money to influence people in power, that is why it is especially important to elect people with integrity!

It is merely the voice of its own self interest which may or may not be of benefit to the people it employs or of this country!

Listen to yourself!!! "It's" own self interest? You mean the evil maniacal corporation? The "entity" which acts on its own volition to consume power and corrupt politics, and we are powerless to control IT? Careful not to look into the corporation's eyes.... you'll simply have to follow along and do as it says from now on! IT only has IT's self interest at heart... not YOU and ME!

I never said they had no human element Dix. I said it was not neccesarilly representitive of the people within it. I have insinuated it is too likely only representative of a very small percentage of people at the very top. That this is what is wrong with it having the ability to weild so much influence. I have also said that it is my opinion, and one you have not swayed, insults aside.

I'm not trying to sway your opinion, you can have a different one than me and the Supreme Court on freedom of speech! You have repeatedly insinuated that corporations are "it's" without a human element, and even described them as "entities" at one point. Now you want to say that is silly, which it is, but you are the one who keeps talking about corporations as if they are self-serving independent evil forces acting on their own behalf... to a fault, every corporation is run by people! Most of them have hundreds of people who would have to fully support ANY political affiliation of ANY kind, and perhaps thousands of stockholders who would be after the CEO's head if the corporation ever supported something detrimental to them in any way, or drew negative publicity (lower stock prices) for the corporation.

Again with the dumb insults? I have never said corporations are our enemy. I do believe that their very self interest is what we should be guarding against in the political arena. The kind of power they; PAC's; Unions; and other special interest can use to influence elections is beyond ugly, it's fascist. And frankly I am sick and tired of it and excited that so many other people are too!

You can have the last word.

Okay... you believe in freedom of SOME speech, but not ALL? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Because I think we have to agree, we aren't likely to ever stifle all political speech, so where do YOU draw the line? Who's speech is less valuable than someone else? Why are corporate self-interests less important than union self-interests?

Let's do this... ban all political speech! Once a politician announces his/her candidacy, they can no longer make public appearances, because that would involve a public or private venue, who could be an "influence" on politics or a conflict of interest. So no speeches... no appearances... and all they get to put out, is a 3x5 index card with what they oppose and favor... black ink only, and no pictures, that would involve a photographers union who may have some political influence! No mentions of any candidate or party on the news... wouldn't want the news corporations to have undue influence! How does all this sound to you? It's not far from where you are heading!

The SCOTUS decision was a victory for free speech.
The idea that "money is speech" is exactly what they want everyone to buy into. They count on a large # of mind-numbed rubes to continue to push this fallacy.

Money is not speech. Money is only power, with the power to corrupt absolutely. Our government does not get better as it gets more corporate money. It only gets more corporate.

Read a history of the pill bill sometime, and take a look where the major players in Congress ended up on that one...
The idea that "money is speech" is exactly what they want everyone to buy into. They count on a large # of mind-numbed rubes to continue to push this fallacy.

Money is not speech. Money is only power, with the power to corrupt absolutely. Our government does not get better as it gets more corporate money. It only gets more corporate.

Read a history of the pill bill sometime, and take a look where the major players in Congress ended up on that one...

There is no fallacy that it costs money to publicize your message on a national scale. That is a fact of life.

Our country would be bankrupt if not for corporate money. Specifically, tax revenues from profits! We would also have very few paying jobs, if not for corporate money. So your contention that corporate money is some evil we would be better off without, is absolute insanity. Your continued notion that we can somehow curb corruption by initiating more regulation on free speech, is absurd.

I still don't understand the logic... It's okay for anti-capitalist socialist nincompoops to espouse their anti-business liberal garbage day and night, on every news channel, spending billions from activists donors, lobbying every congressman in Washington, but it's not okay for corporations to be able to respond?

well... but now it IS, because the SCOTUS said so! ...Yea Free Speech! :cheer:
"Our country would be bankrupt if not for corporate money. Specifically, tax revenues from profits! We would also have very few paying jobs, if not for corporate money. So your contention that corporate money is some evil we would be better off without, is absolute insanity. Your continued notion that we can somehow curb corruption by initiating more regulation on free speech, is absurd. "

Dixie - you are master of the strawman. I am 100% capitalist, and a big believer in profit and corporations in general.

That's a completely separate issue from corporate money inundating politics.

The fact that you are unable to separate the 2 shows me pretty conclusively that this is yet another topic which you have only a surface understanding of. You really have no idea what goes on. You should stick to the threads about the Alabama football team.
"Our country would be bankrupt if not for corporate money. Specifically, tax revenues from profits! We would also have very few paying jobs, if not for corporate money. So your contention that corporate money is some evil we would be better off without, is absolute insanity. Your continued notion that we can somehow curb corruption by initiating more regulation on free speech, is absurd. "

Dixie - you are master of the strawman. I am 100% capitalist, and a big believer in profit and corporations in general.

That's a completely separate issue from corporate money inundating politics.

The fact that you are unable to separate the 2 shows me pretty conclusively that this is yet another topic which you have only a surface understanding of. You really have no idea what goes on. You should stick to the threads about the Alabama football team.

Well it's a good sign you've schooled one of them in debate when they start claiming to support capitalism! Maybe I can do like Bush did for the voters of MA and piss you off so bad you start supporting capitalism regularly?

I'll ask this again, since you obviously missed it first time...

What is the difference between a dollar from ACORN or PNAC, and a dollar from a corporation? Is one dollar less or more prone to be corrupt? Also, what is the difference between the freedom of someone representing ACORN or PNAC and the freedom of someone who owns a corporation? Is one persons right to free speech more valuable?

If you can't give me a solid answer and reasonable explanation, I will have to conclude there is really not a difference. Since there is no difference, it is unconsitutional for you to say Group A can do this, and Group B can't. That's what you are trying to do, and it's not constitutional, do you comprehend?
Dixie. Corporate money is to pay employees, not manipulate the political climate.

Corporate money should be for whatever the damn CEO, Board of Directors, and Stockholders want it to be for, and unless Obama has imposed some socialist law I'm not aware of, it's really not anyone else's business how they spend their money!
Corporate money should be for whatever the damn CEO, Board of Directors, and Stockholders want it to be for, and unless Obama has imposed some socialist law I'm not aware of, it's really not anyone else's business how they spend their money!

Yes it is. It is everyone's business when they use it to sculpt our society through undue influence.
Yes it is. It is everyone's business when they use it to sculpt our society through undue influence.

It's not YOUR business how anyone else spends their money! SORRY!

What you seem to want, is a system where AssClown decides who speaks and who doesn't, and this is based on whether they believe in what AssClown believes. If you get the chance, you should check out this cat named Mussolini and his political ideology, you have much in common with him!
It's not YOUR business how anyone else spends their money! SORRY!

What you seem to want, is a system where AssClown decides who speaks and who doesn't, and this is based on whether they believe in what AssClown believes. If you get the chance, you should check out this cat named Mussolini and his political ideology, you have much in common with him!

No. I want a system where corporations cannot openly put "propaganda to control government" as an expense.
No. I want a system where corporations cannot openly put "propaganda to control government" as an expense.

Well, when you get on the board of directors of one, you can bring that up. Until then, you are free to join any number of activist groups which use their resources solely for this purpose, and recommend they stop the practice. Or you could find a union job somewhere, and vote for leadership who wouldn't do this with your dues. Those are just some suggestions to help you realize your dream. Good Luck... I'll be pulling for ya!
Well, when you get on the board of directors of one, you can bring that up. Until then, you are free to join any number of activist groups which use their resources solely for this purpose, and recommend they stop the practice. Or you could find a union job somewhere, and vote for leadership who wouldn't do this with your dues. Those are just some suggestions to help you realize your dream. Good Luck... I'll be pulling for ya!

I'll bring it up now, as an issue the government should handle to stop our descent in a fascist state.
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Well it's a good sign you've schooled one of them in debate when they start claiming to support capitalism! Maybe I can do like Bush did for the voters of MA and piss you off so bad you start supporting capitalism regularly?

I'll ask this again, since you obviously missed it first time...

What is the difference between a dollar from ACORN or PNAC, and a dollar from a corporation? Is one dollar less or more prone to be corrupt? Also, what is the difference between the freedom of someone representing ACORN or PNAC and the freedom of someone who owns a corporation? Is one persons right to free speech more valuable?

If you can't give me a solid answer and reasonable explanation, I will have to conclude there is really not a difference. Since there is no difference, it is unconsitutional for you to say Group A can do this, and Group B can't. That's what you are trying to do, and it's not constitutional, do you comprehend?

I don't think there should be any organizational money in politics.

And I'm more of a capitalist than you are, Dix. I can guarantee you that I make more profit than you do. I always find it pretty funny when fools on the right think there is something about progressive thought that excludes capitalism. Members of "the left" also comprise some of America's most prominent business minds. Ever hear of Ted Turner? Bill Gates? Warren Buffett?

Consider yourself schooled. Again.
Capitalism exists under the rules of govt. Capitalism is a monetary system not a form of government. When govt acts in the interests of corporations over the interests of the people, the government is defined as a form of Fascism, no longer a democracy or a communist form of govt. I guess the new term for this is corpocracy.

cor·poc·ra·cy (kôr-pkr-s)
n. pl. cor·poc·ra·cies
1. A society dominated politically and economically by large corporations.

"What is the difference between a dollar from ACORN or PNAC, and a dollar from a corporation? Is one dollar less or more prone to be corrupt? Also, what is the difference between the freedom of someone representing ACORN or PNAC and the freedom of someone who owns a corporation? Is one persons right to free speech more valuable?

The only difference between the dollars from Acorn or Pnac and corporate dollars is the amounts. Chinese backed businesses will spend billions to promote their interests in our govt.

If the person who owns or directs or makes decisions for a corporation and is a Chinese communist he now has free speech in our electoral system. He can influence millions of votes. There are no controls on the amount of money his corporation can funnel into advertising for or against whatever this man deems good for his profits. He now has a voice in our govt. policy making while he sits in foreign country.

Communist and other multinational corporations can't give money directly to candidates yet but there are no limits on what they can spend for advertising as long as the 'sponsored by' disclaimer is in the small print. And there are a million ways to hide where the real money is coming from.

You wing-nuts dont see any danger in all this? Really?
Capitalist than you are, Dix. I can guarantee you that I make more profit than you do. I always find it pretty funny when fools on the right think there is something about progressive thought that excludes capitalism. Members of "the left" also comprise some of America's most prominent business minds. Ever hear of Ted Turner? Bill Gates? Warren Buffett?

Consider yourself schooled. Again.

Dixie comes from the feudal south that had to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the dark ages by FDR and LBJ. Everyone here is a bigger capitalist than Dixie. Wasn’t there a rumour that Pixie worked at some photomart quick stop?***

The south is the red headed poster child of federal welfare dependency. They get more tax dollars back than they pay in. Far more. You could basically say that Pixie is a Welfare Queen. Contrast that to New York and California which are the turbo-charged centers of American capitalism.

Judging from the tidbits that have been shared, I’m can guaran-effing-tee it that Uscitizen, you, and I have made more money for stockholders in a few months than Dixie will make in of lifetime of developing photo negatives.

Sweet Jesus, my gig as an oil robber baron back in the day was a barrel of fun. And unlike the captains of wall street, I created wealth and profit out of something real and tangible. Not just from pushing wealth around on paper, like your typical republican teabagging wall street banker does.:can:

*** totally kidding

p.s., I don't think any corporatists, or any organizations should be able to donate money to political campaigns. Except for Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Amnesty International, and Code Pink.
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I don't think there should be any organizational money in politics.

And I'm more of a capitalist than you are, Dix. I can guarantee you that I make more profit than you do. I always find it pretty funny when fools on the right think there is something about progressive thought that excludes capitalism. Members of "the left" also comprise some of America's most prominent business minds. Ever hear of Ted Turner? Bill Gates? Warren Buffett?

Consider yourself schooled. Again.

LOL... You couldn't school your little sister, don't make me laugh!

The thing is, there IS ALREADY organizational money in politics! There has always been organizational money in politics, and if you want to eliminate it, you will have to ban all political speech in America. Since that would obviously be a direct contradiction of the 1st Amendment, I doubt you will ever realize this dream!

As for you being a capitalist, please don't make me laugh any more in one post! You've been funny enough already, my sides are hurting! You are a socialist, and socialism is the antithesis of capitalism! To listen to what you say, one would think you have this notion that capitalism is only about wealth and profit, you offer up wealthy socialists as an example of capitalists, and you lie about your obviously sub-par income, as if your personal profit makes you a capitalist. However, capitalism is about more than wealth and profit. Purely socialist societies have people who make enormous profits and control great wealth... look at Saddam Hussein, certainly he wasn't a great example of a capitalist, was he? The man had more wealth and riches than anyone in his country, but he wasn't a capitalist!

Now, I am still waiting for you to explain the difference in a dollar from ACORN or PNAC and a dollar from a corporation! Can you do that?