Should Grind Be UnBanned?

Should Grind be Unbanned from

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thiis is not FP and I don't post there or read there so I don't care one way or the other. What could a Grind posibly do to get banned there anyway? Say something against liberals?
It's a Conservative's site....that's who banned him. And he did not do anything but speak his curse words, no giving out someone's address or real life name, nothing like any of that....

It's just that the person he spoke out against was the owner of the site...he started a thread that accused the owner of reading our private messages, U2U'S, with supporting posts of why he felt this, and let's just say the owner didn't take kindly, the accusations.... :(
I think your banning was entirely unjustified. He didn't even tell you to stop beforehand, he did it basically just because he didn't like you. Any "justification" he has offered is very clearly bullshit.
actually...I voted no, but that was just a joke. The only folks I think should be banned from here or there are Dixie, toby and michaekK and all for the same reason.
thiis is not FP and I don't post there or read there so I don't care one way or the other. What could a Grind posibly do to get banned there anyway? Say something against liberals?

Grind, Lady T, myself, and a few others, had formed an 'underground' alliance, because we did not agree with the new system of moderation FP was about to implement. We had all tried to reason with the site owner, we had all spoken out against the new system and articulated numerous valid points that were not being considered. Our protests falling on deaf ears, culminated in our faction, who's intent was to infiltrate the new system and render it harmless. Nothing we planned was against the rules, or unethical in any way.

At first, we weren't taken seriously by the site owner, he laughed at us, wished us luck, didn't think we had any real support... this soon began to change, as he began to realize the scope of how many people were on our side, and that we weren't backing down. He began to try intimidating us with threats to ban us, if we actually went through with our plans. Most of our correspondence within the group, was done through the sites private message feature, and again, nothing we planned was a violation of any rule, we fully intended to work within his rules completely. As time grew closer to implementing the new system, he began to get more frustrated with us, calling us liars and accusing us of intentionally taking action to "damage his property" and insisting that we cease or face banishment. I literally begged him to ban me, I wanted him to do it, because it would have proven that he had no ethics. In the midst of all this, Grind dropped a bomb on him, and exposed his lies to the board. He had insisted that "an informant" had told him all about our plans, and when we denied doing anything against the rules or unethical, he called us "liars" and insisted his "informant" had told him differently.

What Grind had uncovered, was that he had read our private messages. He had already denied this, and continued to insist he couldn't read our private messages, but Grind did some research, and presented it on the board. What Grind disclosed, clearly indicated that he was lying, and had indeed read our messages. Shortly thereafter, the befuddled site owner literally violated his board's only rule, and posted the context of our private messages (personal info) on the board, I am still unclear as to why he did this, but it certainly put any doubt to rest, that he had done what had been accused. Grind continued to press the matter, and he was banned, as well as a couple of others who were part of the alliance. Ironically, I was never banned. No one had violated any rule posted, and it was merely an act of power by the dictator, to show he could and would ban those who spoke out against him. I also think it was his way of ensuring the plans he had for the new system, wouldn't be spoiled by our alliance.

Subsequently, this site was born, and FP is practically a graveyard now. Grind should wear his banishment as a badge of honor, because he stood up for principle and did the right thing. I have not posted there since he was banned, and I have no desire to ever be a part of a board run by that person again. His contempt, arrogance, hypocrisy, and king-like attitude, completely turned me against him, and I will not forget how he treated my friends.

There are other threads on this board, you can search them out, which chronicle the episode in greater detail. I have merely summarized here, there was a lot more to the whole thing, but suffice to say, we are in a better place now, and the current site administrator has more ethics and class in his little finger than that guy has in his whole body.
Note to everyone that has bothered to read this thread, it wasn't my intention to bring this all back up again, I was just curious about a simple yes or no question.

I have to correct a few things dixie said above...

1) My part in the so-called "alliance" was nothing more than me having FUN. Just like maineman likes owning dixie, or dles likes owning brent, I like to own SR and jump at the opportunities. I had no opposition to the security council (other than thinking it was a stupid idea). I didn't care. Everyone had different reasons.

2) Grind never presented absolute definitive evidence that sr had read our messages (until he actually posted them), rather, Grind proved that sr possessed such an ability.

Nevertheless, SR's defense is about as good as saying that one cannot prove he's ever seen a cloud in the sky.

3) The instance that actually got me banned is when I pointed out another fallacy espoused by SR. SR stated that the u2u feature was a new one that came with the recent updates. This was despite ALL DOCUMENTATION on the web, and despite my first post clearly attributing the feature to a version much earlier than the one SR had. He willingly ignored the evidence that was abundant in order to placate you all.

Ok now lets just let this die. Sorry for bringing it up again.
I was actually surprised at how random the banning seemed. For some reason Grind and Brent were treated worse than some others in the same group.
Actually I don't know why brent was banned at all... I was the one that made the u2u threads... brent really didn't do anything
No one should have been banned. That was the point and principle of the matter. The security council was a farce, still is a farce, and will forever be a farce. If you want to make rules, make damn rules... like Damo did... don't go hiding behind some puppet council because you don't want to take responsiblity. That was my point in protesting. I didn't oppose a security council, per say, it was the way he wanted to structure it, and I still think it's patently unfair and useless, because he has no intention of abiding by the SC decisions, he will continue to run his board as he sees fit, and treat everyone there as his "property." I didn't like it, I protested, people joined my protest, and Grind was banned.

Grind, I know you are now trying to distance yourself from being involved, but you were in on it too, and to try and claim it was "just for fun" is sort of lame dude, everything we do on the Internet is "just for fun" isn't it? It wasn't fair that you got banned, it wasn't fair that anyone got banned, but then, SR wasn't very fair, and that was the whole point to begin with. His actions showed his true colors in the end, in a way that we never would have been able to with our protests. I'm totally satisfied with that.
I'm not distancing myself from it you idiot, I was banned, you weren't. I took more heat than anyone. I know what my reasons are, I know what I was doing... I know that I didn't care about sr thinking I was "property" or that the SC was a farce. I didn't have the same motives that you did dixie, that's the truth, now shut the fuck up about it and stop putting words in my mouth.
I'm not distancing myself from it you idiot, I was banned, you weren't. I took more heat than anyone. I know what my reasons are, I know what I was doing... I know that I didn't care about sr thinking I was "property" or that the SC was a farce. I didn't have the same motives that you did dixie, that's the truth, now shut the fuck up about it and stop putting words in my mouth.

Look Grind, you are right, I wasn't banned. I am not putting words in your mouth, and I don't give a shit what your motives were, your objectives were the same as mine and Lady T's, and that is just a fact. We all had differing motives, and I've never stated otherwise. I just think it's pathetic that you are practically begging SR to "un-ban" you, because you want to go back to FP and post to your lying unethical scum buddy gentoo, who did indeed lie to you about me.

As for shutting the fuck up about it... I didn't start a thread, pandering and pleading and slobbering to be unbanned, you did! Why don't YOU shut the fuck up about it, and quit acting like a 10-year old who got in trouble, and now wants to lay the blame off on someone else?

I have not posted to that board since you got banned, and I have no intention of ever posting there again. In essence, I banned myself because of what happened to you, and I wouldn't give the son of a bitch the satisfaction of seeing my name on his piece of shit board again. A lot of us made the switch to this board and have not been back to FP, and it was mostly because of what happened to you. To see you pathetically groveling to be reinstated, is sad. You've got more class and dignity than that, or so I thought.
I don't know exactly why you got banned grind. Honestly, I never had the interest to read through all those "conspiracy" threads.

I wish you hadn't got banned. Now we have two boards, neither of which get the amount of interest or action that one board did.
Uber Simplified:

1) I asked SR if he had the ability to read u2u's, he said no.

2) I then found out that he could u2u's... he said he never did, and that the feature was a new one that came with the recent updates. (Despite all web documentation and me stating otherwise prior)

3) I proved that the feature had existed for years.

4) Got Banned.