Should Grind Be UnBanned?

Should Grind be Unbanned from

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I don't know exactly why you got banned grind. Honestly, I never had the interest to read through all those "conspiracy" threads.

I wish you hadn't got banned. Now we have two boards, neither of which get the amount of interest or action that one board did.

Well, for whatever reasons I like this board better than I ever liked FP, so I'm fine with it. But I was very new there when all this happened, so for people who had been there a long time, I can see them wishing things were different. The great thing about life is, wait a week and things will be different.
How am I supposed to vote on a banning on another board that I don't even visit ? Sort of like saying more people in mexico voted for Gore than Bush ;)
Haven't we beaten this to death already?

No. You shouldn't have been banned. He's an unprincipaled racist jack@$$. Moving along.
Just let it go, I've been banned before from politicalsoup and the site bombed to about a third the traffic.
Liberals are a dime a dozen in political boards, but get rid of the Conservatives and watch how quick a board dies.
lol... well I have to clearify something... At this point... I probably wouldn't go back anyway... Yes I do miss chatting to a few people but hopefully they will come here. I was just curious as to the attitudes. :)
lol... well I have to clearify something... At this point... I probably wouldn't go back anyway... Yes I do miss chatting to a few people but hopefully they will come here. I was just curious as to the attitudes. :)

LOL, whatever! Who knew you'd be so sensitive? What happened to Mr. I don't give a rats ass about anyone? Now look at you.....starting polls still longing and hoping to be unbanned from SR's territory. awwwwww.....Isn't that cute :cheer:

Although I have to admit the entire ordeal was a guilty pleasure of mine. I kind of found the drama surrounding it and all the U2Us was definitely the most exiting either board has ever been.
Darn and I missed it :(

But LadyT, this makes perfect sense. This affects Grind and that is all grind cares about.
LOL, whatever! Who knew you'd be so sensitive? What happened to Mr. I don't give a rats ass about anyone? Now look at you.....starting polls still longing and hoping to be unbanned from SR's territory. awwwwww.....Isn't that cute :cheer:

Although I have to admit the entire ordeal was a guilty pleasure of mine. I kind of found the drama surrounding it and all the U2Us was definitely the most exiting either board has ever been.

Brent has been trying desparately to get back on FP with a series of obvious (and hilarious) trolls ;)
I have told a few others this.. I am back at campus and I have a new ip address... I could have re-signed up at for weeks now and I haven't.

so there :p
I think your banning was entirely unjustified. He didn't even tell you to stop beforehand, he did it basically just because he didn't like you. Any "justification" he has offered is very clearly bullshit.

He gave both Brent and Grind repeated warnings to stop, actually.
He gave both Brent and Grind repeated warnings to stop, actually.

ummm.. no? There were only 2 u2u threads and I got banned with the second one. I dare you to find anywhere where SR told me to stop posting stuff about u2u's. Also: Brent didn't do anything so there would have been nothing for him to even get warned over.
It doesn't matter immie I am not going back anyway. This place is just fine now. There was a period where I thought this site would die in a few weeks but now it seems pretty solid.. so it's alll gooood.