Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
There are actually cool laptops on the market. The coolest Yugo ever was the one used to kill Mona, and it still wasn't cool...
Tell your kids to pay for their own.Yeah it sucks. I just got a droid, and now my kids both want one. Once they get theirs I'll be paying for internet access three times on this one account.
As long as they are getting good grades and staying out of trouble I'll gladly pay for their toys.Tell your kids to pay for their own.
I honestly can't believe people will pay so much money for cellphone services every month. I have my antique Razr and get unlimited sexting plus 200 minutes each month for $30. I don't really see the benefit of apps. I don't need internet on my phone, and I already have a Garmin, so I don't need the GPS app, nor do I need to check my email from my phone, either. Oh, well, its really cool technology, and the more apps and connectivity we develop, the more we progress technologically...
I am amazed at what people pay for ridiculous and unnecessary junk.
I need a phone that make calls, send text msgs, and occasionally take a pic or video if my camera is not handy. And I have days where my battery is running low by the time I plug it in at night.
Movies? Tunes? Internet? GPS? Apps? No need for that shit cluttering up my phone. The money I save allows me to buy full sized items that do those better.
Like you would know Junior it's #2 behind Exxon.
LOL @ internet tough guy.
Is there an app that generates fake VIP receipts?