Should I join the Freemasons


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Damo or whoever else . .

Would I get anything out of it? Or would it be weird for me to be part of an organization consisting largely of old men?
Damo or whoever else . .

Would I get anything out of it? Or would it be weird for me to be part of an organization consisting largely of old men?
It would depend on what you wanted to get out of it.

What do you think they are about?
brotherhood and all that gay stuff? :)

maybe controlling the world O_O
Well, if you think you'll find a "control the world" conspiracy then you'd be sorely disappointed. If you wanted to help give money to causes such as child burn victims, or reading programs, you wouln't be disappointed. As well as have a "guys night out" thing going on regularly.

Not all of the members are old, and you will find good friends.
I'd say, at the meetings it is about half and half old to young ratio. We go out after the meetings and have a few beers. Some of us are in a Softball league, others do the bowling thing.
well any guild/union anyway they used to only accept genuine masons then they started accepting non masons. perhaps that started in Scotland, no one will own up to where and exactly when this corruption started.
well any guild/union anyway they used to only accept genuine masons then they started accepting non masons. perhaps that started in Scotland, no one will own up to where and exactly when this corruption started.
The University system brought down the guild system. As students learned Architecture from sources outside the guild. In order to keep the Fraternity alive they began accepting those outside that profession, they called them "Free and Accepted" Masons, and thus began the change from a Guild to a Fraternity that practiced charity. And thus began the actual fraternity of "Freemasons".

I am just a Free Spirit...Masons are cool I have no problemo with their contributions with local as well as national needs...and I do get a kick out of watching them in local parades with their mini-cars and all!:cof1:
Guilds were more like business monopolies than trade unions.

Think about it. You have to follow their rules, can't make a better product than them, and can't lower your prices. If you do, they don't respond with kind economic pressure, they murder you. It was practically a mob. Strangled economic development in Europe throughout the middle ages.

I didn't know you were 70, BTW, Grind ;).
Grind sitting in a steambath half naked with 30 different 70 year old men every saturday.

More millionaires than ever before. :clink:

Btw, the Freemasons are a bunch of... JOOOSOSOOOOSSSSS!!!?!?111/!
Steambath? I have never been in one of those.