Should I join the Freemasons

Don't join the Freemasons. Though many of it's members are low level sots, unaware of the inner workings of the upper echelons, it's an organization which has been taken over by illuminati, descendants of the knights templar who discovered a love for power and greed with their protectorate of the holy land and the creation of international banking. The masons are a bunch of globalist fascist dipshits who worship satan. Just say no.
Don't join the Freemasons. Though many of it's members are low level sots, unaware of the inner workings of the upper echelons, it's an organization which has been taken over by illuminati, descendants of the knights templar who discovered a love for power and greed with their protectorate of the holy land and the creation of international banking. The masons are a bunch of globalist fascist dipshits who worship satan. Just say no.
Don't listen to paranoid freaks. It's just guys who give to charities and hang out a bit.
Those activities don't require a satanic hierarchy. WHy join one? Just to be cool? Really damo, I'm suprised.
What Satanic hierarchy? You seriously believe whatever you read about them, so long as it is negative. No matter how far fetched or stupid.
What Satanic hierarchy? You seriously believe whatever you read about them, so long as it is negative. No matter how far fetched or stupid.

THE satanic hierarchy. THe one which perverts all of humanity on a daily basis, turns brother against brother, man against wife, old against young. The one premised on primal deceptions and distortions of value, the presentation of false dichotomies, lies and bizarro logic. It's the source of all social generational abuse, however so subtle, and the sadistic meme that justifies continuation of the malignancy.
THE satanic hierarchy. THe one which perverts all of humanity on a daily basis, turns brother against brother, man against wife, old against young. The one premised on primal deceptions and distortions of value, the presentation of false dichotomies, lies and bizarro logic. It's the source of all social generational abuse, however so subtle, and the sadistic meme that justifies continuation of the malignancy.
And you think Freemasons are responsible for all of this? Was the US created based on this hierarchy?

All in Freemasonry are equal, they meet 'on the level'. The idea that Freemasonry creates this hierarchy is based in superstition and paranoia, not in any reality.
And you think Freemasons are responsible for all of this? Was the US created based on this hierarchy?

All in Freemasonry are equal, they meet 'on the level'. The idea that Freemasonry creates this hierarchy is based in superstition and paranoia, not in any reality.

They didn't create it, they're just part of it. Let's not misrepresent my statements.
Those activities don't require a satanic hierarchy. WHy join one? Just to be cool? Really damo, I'm suprised.

Why join one ? the same reason people root for a particular sports team, etc.
The pack mentality and wanting to fit in and be accepted. Aka the fear of being alone and different. An inherent human trait or combination of traits.

Plus all the secrets and such make you feel special :D
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Why join one ? the same reason people root for a particular sports team, etc.
The pack mentality and wanting to fit in and be accepted. Aka the fear of being alone and different. An inherent human trait or combination of traits.

Plus all the secrets and such make you feel special :D
I joined out of curiosity. People like Asshat made me curious to see if I could find a huge conspiracy of control freaks making the dollar weak.

Instead I get dragged into giving time to help people I don't know.... And spending some time with good friends. I think I won, even though I didn't find the huge conspiracy.
Damo I think they are a good organization. I had 2 uncles that were Masons, and they were great guys.
I still stand by my previous statement though. A bit of elitism is involved ;)
Damo I think they are a good organization. I had 2 uncles that were Masons, and they were great guys.
I still stand by my previous statement though. A bit of elitism is involved ;)
I think many of them join to "belong" to something. It just wasn't my personal experience.
I think many of them join to "belong" to something. It just wasn't my personal experience.

Yepper as I said before a basic human nature thingy.
And there are several reasons people join. But once in all must adhere to the rules . Hiram....
Yepper as I said before a basic human nature thingy.
And there are several reasons people join. But once in all must adhere to the rules . Hiram....
There are far less "rules" than you think. You have to pay your dues... that's about it. And ours are cheap.
I joined out of curiosity. People like Asshat made me curious to see if I could find a huge conspiracy of control freaks making the dollar weak.

Instead I get dragged into giving time to help people I don't know.... And spending some time with good friends. I think I won, even though I didn't find the huge conspiracy.

One day, Damo, you're going to wake up, and the freemason nano-viruses are finally going to get to you, and you're just going to start worshipping satan and planning evil things with the Jewish-Islamic global elite. It's inevitable.
One day, Damo, you're going to wake up, and the freemason nano-viruses are finally going to get to you, and you're just going to start worshipping satan and planning evil things with the Jewish-Islamic global elite. It's inevitable.
Yeah, I'll probably get it from watching the Wizard of Oz.
That is, if it hasn't happened already!

You're trying to force new members into the cult, like the kind-hearted rogue Grind. I can see it. Have you already given him the nanoviruses?!!!
That is, if it hasn't happened already!

You're trying to force new members into the cult, like the kind-hearted rogue Grind. I can see it. Have you already given him the nanoviruses?!!!
No but I sent him a copy of The Wizard of Oz, all 14 books.