Should I Kill Myself?

Should I Kill Myself?

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I was disappointed that loofahing your self wasn't an option

LOL I haven't heard any Loofah advocacy in a long time! Not since I had the difficult decision of voting Loofah over Loofah.

I think lady T is on to something hear.

If you ever feel like killing yourself lean to the loofa. If that fails then beat off. In the break glass situation smoke a bowl and eat a hot fudge sunday then loofa and beat off. repeat as needed.

Wow, mom! Are you giving me permission to beat off?!?

Me no teen...

I like that. Its empowering!!! :clink:

Oh you’re not? I thought you were Water’s age. Well, it’s still inappropriate to tell any young person to kill themselves.

It’s different when they reach my age, and of course, if they are also Republicans. Then suicide should be encouraged. But I hate to hear about some kid killing themselves. Things would have gotten so much better.
Oh you’re not? I thought you were Water’s age. Well, it’s still inappropriate to tell any young person to kill themselves.

It’s different when they reach my age, and of course, if they are also Republicans. Then suicide should be encouraged. But I hate to hear about some kid killing themselves. Things would have gotten so much better.

Nah, let them kill themselves before they reach the age where they are reproducing. I don't discriminate. Old, young, republican, democrat, liberal or conservative are all welcome to self destruct if they want to do so.