Should I take out a loan for this?

Smarter? More intelligent maybe. I've known potted plants that are smarter than Skidmark. That's like calling Billy friendly. Billy is about as warm as a brass toilet seat.

For God's sake Rana! The blythering idiot is contemplating spending $15k on a Doll!! USF could hollow out the frontal lobe of his brain with a spoon and he wouldn't be that stupid!

Smarter? More intelligent maybe. I've known potted plants that are smarter than Skidmark. That's like calling Billy friendly. Billy is about as warm as a brass toilet seat.

For God's sake Rana! The blythering idiot is contemplating spending $15k on a Doll!! USF could hollow out the frontal lobe of his brain with a spoon and he wouldn't be that stupid!

actually i feel like brass toilet seat would do a really god job at retaining ass heat.
[FONT=&quot]Since PLA is made from corn and sweet potato based resins, the Ayase figure has no toxic effect for its owners. [/FONT]

Be honest, are you planning on eating it or fucking it? Whack job progressive I assume.