APP - Should no knock warrents be dis-allowed?


Just had the incredibly unpleasant experience of 10 heavily armed sherrifs demanding entry in search of a fugitive (at the wrong address) .

Thank God they knocked and announced themselves and left shortly afterwards. Had it been a no knock there is no telling how many deaths may have occured. (both of my children were home), heavily armed and scared of criminals breaking into their home.

Considering all the wrongful deaths, committed by the police during the service of no- knock warrants at the wrong address, I suggest this practice be stopped, ASAP.

It is time to start pushing back against freedom robbing official intrusions, before they decide to implement Marshal Law just because they can.
I think for safety reasons for the officers and the people inside the house the Police Officers ought to announce themselves and their business because for the obvious: SAFETY.
So your kids have prescriptions for MJ!

If this has been a long term habit of yours, growing MJ around your kids, maybe the chemicals you've been using is what caused the problems.

This is APP. I put this thread here on purpose. If you have anything to politely add on topic, great. Otherwise I am reporting your replies,
Report them; because me pointing out your stupidity is not a violation.

1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, general bigotry - Nothing here
2. No insults directed at specific individuals - Nothing here
3. No trolling - Nothing here
4. No flaming - Still nothing
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door - Didn't happen either
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

I see obvious violations of numbers 2, 3, and 6 with potential violations of 4 and 5.

I don't expect a liar like USF to admit as much, but with each new day there is renewed hope Grind may start treating board Conservatives the same way he treats the Liberals.
No knock is a double edge sword, I fully understand the concerns of citizens and how traumatic it is when one of the rare wrongful entries are made. However, when you knock and announce alot of events happen, one they flush all the drugs, worse they ready all the weapons and get ready to blow your brains out.
In NYC an announced raid gave the occupants time to set the bomb they had built and set up at the door when the door finally was hammered down the ensuing explosion killed one officer and retired 4 more.
Like I said its a double edge sword
No knock is a double edge sword, I fully understand the concerns of citizens and how traumatic it is when one of the rare wrongful entries are made. However, when you knock and announce alot of events happen, one they flush all the drugs, worse they ready all the weapons and get ready to blow your brains out.
In NYC an announced raid gave the occupants time to set the bomb they had built and set up at the door when the door finally was hammered down the ensuing explosion killed one officer and retired 4 more.
Like I said its a double edge sword

How many innocent citizens have to die when the police get the address wrong before you will care?
there was a meth lab hit the other day in Florida, something I head about was it was raining, so they just no knocked, and grabbed the couple in the house
(apparently contact with water is explosive?)

So in this case, no knock was "warranted" in that the people could have blown up the cops, as well as themselves.

the problem is the widespread use, like everything else there is a place for these raids, but they are rare and exceptional.
No knocks are far too common.
How many innocent citizens have to die when the police get the address wrong before you will care?

Youre overblowing it, youre trying to make it sound like it happens everyday and people in the thousands are dieing, nonesense. It does happen and it happens VERY RARELY. There are risks in every aspect of everyones life and in everything they do.
Cops would be happy if they didnt have to run into a SINGLE building not knowing what was on the other side waiting for them knock or no knock. So go for it get ALL police interventions warranted or warrantless stopped, make them happy and a whole lot safer

I dont disagree that its horrific when a mistake is made and someone gets hurt. You dont see how tortured the police are when they are ORDERED to hit the wrong building from the command post.
You need to realize what your missing here. Untold numbers of people are saved when Police do hit the right building like they do 99.9% of the time. Civilians seem to think cops are only looking for weed stoners and meth labs when they hit a door.

They stop human trafficing of teens, they stop sex trade operations that are FORCED. They capture and recapture murderers of the worst kind that are known will kill again. It covers the entire gamut of scumbag activities. Without these raids the numbers of victims would SOAR.
Yes mistakes are made but the untold unreported numbers of humans SAVED from death and hell in these raids are never spoken of. Go ahead get ALL of them stopped make the cops happy.
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No knock is a double edge sword, I fully understand the concerns of citizens and how traumatic it is when one of the rare wrongful entries are made. However, when you knock and announce alot of events happen, one they flush all the drugs, worse they ready all the weapons and get ready to blow your brains out.
In NYC an announced raid gave the occupants time to set the bomb they had built and set up at the door when the door finally was hammered down the ensuing explosion killed one officer and retired 4 more.
Like I said its a double edge sword

so the 4th Amendment doesn't apply because cops could be in danger? the danger to the innocent citizen is irrelevant to you?
Youre overblowing it, youre trying to make it sound like it happens everyday and people in the thousands are dieing, nonesense. It does happen and it happens VERY RARELY. There are risks in every aspect of everyones life and in everything they do.
Cops would be happy if they didnt have to run into a SINGLE building not knowing what was on the other side waiting for them knock or no knock. So go for it get ALL police interventions warranted or warrantless stopped, make them happy and a whole lot safer

I dont disagree that its horrific when a mistake is made and someone gets hurt. You dont see how tortured the police are when they are ORDERED to hit the wrong building from the command post.
You need to realize what your missing here. Untold numbers of people are saved when Police do hit the right building like they do 99.9% of the time. Civilians seem to think cops are only looking for weed stoners and meth labs when they hit a door.

They stop human trafficing of teens, they stop sex trade operations that are FORCED. They capture and recapture murderers of the worst kind that are known will kill again. It covers the entire gamut of scumbag activities. Without these raids the numbers of victims would SOAR.
Yes mistakes are made but the untold unreported numbers of humans SAVED from death and hell in these raids are never spoken of. Go ahead get ALL of them stopped make the cops happy.

so basically if I make a mistake and kill someone because I felt my life in danger, I should still go to prison, but if a cop kills an innocent because he/she felt their life was in danger, that's just a 'mistake'?
Youre overblowing it, youre trying to make it sound like it happens everyday and people in the thousands are dieing, nonesense. It does happen and it happens VERY RARELY. There are risks in every aspect of everyones life and in everything they do.
Cops would be happy if they didnt have to run into a SINGLE building not knowing what was on the other side waiting for them knock or no knock. So go for it get ALL police interventions warranted or warrantless stopped, make them happy and a whole lot safer

I dont disagree that its horrific when a mistake is made and someone gets hurt. You dont see how tortured the police are when they are ORDERED to hit the wrong building from the command post.
You need to realize what your missing here. Untold numbers of people are saved when Police do hit the right building like they do 99.9% of the time. Civilians seem to think cops are only looking for weed stoners and meth labs when they hit a door.

They stop human trafficing of teens, they stop sex trade operations that are FORCED. They capture and recapture murderers of the worst kind that are known will kill again. It covers the entire gamut of scumbag activities. Without these raids the numbers of victims would SOAR.
Yes mistakes are made but the untold unreported numbers of humans SAVED from death and hell in these raids are never spoken of. Go ahead get ALL of them stopped make the cops happy.

Your wrong. Dead wrong.
No - knock warrants should be turned over to SWAT teams only and those should be taken and put in the national guard, so if the need is that great, the governor can be held accountable for their misuse. Also, it would put more emphasis on securing a proper address, because I can state unequivocally that if I got wrong housed, the cops would NOT like the fire fight.
so basically if I make a mistake and kill someone because I felt my life in danger, I should still go to prison, but if a cop kills an innocent because he/she felt their life was in danger, that's just a 'mistake'?

If you have a beef with the law blame the lawyers and politicians who write them. Cops do not write the laws that tell them what their job requirements are and they dont decide what they are or arent allowed to do.

All incidents all actions are blamed on the cops performing them. Ive never seen a post stating this.

The lawyers and politicians who wrote and passed no knock laws along with the myriad of judges who have upheld the legality and constitutionality of no knock laws, should do time every time a cop is ORDERED to enter the wrong house because of the laws they passed and upheld and subsequently had police ORDERED to enforce.

All the cop blame crap falls on my dead ears, no one except another police officer understands the system, the way the system works, the purpose of the system.
The very rare times a mistake is made the news whos in it for the cash splashs it everywhere. I will respectfully bow out of this conversation and let the ranters rant on about police and how they want to lynch them while never uttering a syllable about the real culprits, that wrote the laws, passed the laws and upheld the laws.

If you have a beef with the law blame the lawyers and politicians who write them. Cops do not write the laws that tell them what their job requirements are and they dont decide what they are or arent allowed to do.

All incidents all actions are blamed on the cops performing them. Ive never seen a post stating this.

The lawyers and politicians who wrote and passed no knock laws along with the myriad of judges who have upheld the legality and constitutionality of no knock laws, should do time every time a cop is ORDERED to enter the wrong house because of the laws they passed and upheld and subsequently had police ORDERED to enforce.

All the cop blame crap falls on my dead ears, no one except another police officer understands the system, the way the system works, the purpose of the system.
The very rare times a mistake is made the news whos in it for the cash splashs it everywhere. I will respectfully bow out of this conversation and let the ranters rant on about police and how they want to lynch them while never uttering a syllable about the real culprits, that wrote the laws, passed the laws and upheld the laws.


are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell us that cops do not make mistakes, that they are just following orders? that 'no knock' warrants are ordered by the cities they work for?
are you SERIOUSLY trying to tell us that cops do not make mistakes, that they are just following orders? that 'no knock' warrants are ordered by the cities they work for?

Yep, he was seriously trying to say that but at least he bowed out, so us ranters could whine about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness being steadfastly taken away. Nothing worse than a badge blowing liberal. Disgusting.
Yep, he was seriously trying to say that but at least he bowed out, so us ranters could whine about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness being steadfastly taken away. Nothing worse than a badge blowing liberal. Disgusting.

You cant read either you just want to flame :) wont work, go back and read all my posts in this thread, thanks and by all means keep whining about that you do not know squat about :)
You cant read either you just want to flame :) wont work, go back and read all my posts in this thread, thanks and by all means keep whining about that you do not know squat about :)

You said you were leaving this thread. Were you lying about that too?