APP - Should no knock warrents be dis-allowed?

I said I was bowing out of the thread not leaving the site. Cant discuss an issue with a mad ranter and one that is clueless about the subject besides

But you didn't. You are still posting in it and your opinion is neither required nor welcome.

You made it clear that you value your personal security far more than you value the sanctity of your fellow citizen's lives not to mention their right to be secure in their persons, houses paper and effects.

This thread is about police misconduct, not the legislature. Stop trying to change the topic. Start your own thread if you want to discuss other topics, don't do it in this one.
Just had the incredibly unpleasant experience of 10 heavily armed sherrifs demanding entry in search of a fugitive (at the wrong address) .

Thank God they knocked and announced themselves and left shortly afterwards. Had it been a no knock there is no telling how many deaths may have occured. (both of my children were home), heavily armed and scared of criminals breaking into their home.

Considering all the wrongful deaths, committed by the police during the service of no- knock warrants at the wrong address, I suggest this practice be stopped, ASAP.

It is time to start pushing back against freedom robbing official intrusions, before they decide to implement Marshal Law just because they can.

how is it that they cannot get the address correct for warrants?...who is in charge? especially for no knock warrants

does anyone know the address failure rate for addresses for warrants, it needs to be zero.
some people got off topic, other people called names. I'm just going to call those even. Please stay on topic going forward and avoid thread derailment and name calling on APP.
how is it that they cannot get the address correct for warrants?
why should they exercise the extra due diligence to get the correct address when they KNOW that their carelessness is protected by qualified immunity, good faith exceptions, and not being held personally accountable for them?
why should they exercise the extra due diligence to get the correct address when they KNOW that their carelessness is protected by qualified immunity, good faith exceptions, and not being held personally accountable for them?
Exactly. They have no consequences for being wrong, so there is no incentive to be right.
Why did a SWAT team raid Bob and Addie Harte's house in Leawood, Kansas, two years ago, then force the couple and their two children to sit on a couch for two hours while officers rifled their belongings, searching for "narcotics" that were not there? KSHB, the NBC station in Kansas City,reports that the Hartes made two mistakes: Bob went to a hydroponics store in Kansas City, Missouri, with his son to buy supplies for a school science project, and Addie drank tea. It cost them $25,000 to discover that these innocent actions earned them an early-morning visit by screaming, rifle-waving men with a battering ram.
The Hartes, who tried to reassure their neighbors by showing them the search report indicating that nothing was taken from their home, were naturally curious what they had done to attract police attention. But the Johnson County Sheriff's Office would not say, so the Hartes hired a lawyer to help them obtain the relevant records, which according to KSHB is not easy in Kansas because state law favors darkness over sunshine. Eventually the Hartes learned that a Missouri Highway Patrol trooper saw Bob at the hydroponics store on August 9, 2011. Seven months later, state police passed on this hot tip to the sheriff's office, which sprang into action (after a few weeks), rummaging through the Hartes' garbage three times in April 2012. On all three occasions, they found "wet plant material" that a field test supposedly identified as marijuana.
government incompetence at it's finest, yet the plebes demand their services in every way and scream for your blood if you defend yourself from them.
they lost their lawsuit because the 'system' requires them to prove the impossible.......

A suburban Kansas City couple is not entitled to monetary damages after Johnson County officers raided their home in an unsuccessful search for marijuana that was based on tea leaves found in their garbage, a federal court jury ruled.

Adlynn and Robert Harte of Leawood sued Johnson County and several law enforcement officials after the 2012 raid. They were seeking millions of dollars in compensation, arguing in the lawsuit that deputies lied to get the warrant used to search their home.

A federal court jury on Tuesday found that the Hartes were not entitled to any monetary damages, The Kansas City Star reported .

The Hartes, who are both former CIA agents, said in a statement released by their attorneys that they were grateful for the chance to tell their story to a jury. They said they will appeal.

“Although they are understandably disappointed in the outcome, they know that standing up for their rights as citizens was important — not only for themselves and their family, but also to preserve the vitality of the Fourth Amendment for all citizens,” their attorneys said.

An attorney for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office said the Hartes had their day in court and “the system worked.”

“Hopefully the Hartes and the deputies can put this behind them and move forward,” said attorney Lawrence Ferree.
Just had the incredibly unpleasant experience of 10 heavily armed sherrifs demanding entry in search of a fugitive (at the wrong address) .

Thank God they knocked and announced themselves and left shortly afterwards. Had it been a no knock there is no telling how many deaths may have occured. (both of my children were home), heavily armed and scared of criminals breaking into their home.

Considering all the wrongful deaths, committed by the police during the service of no- knock warrants at the wrong address, I suggest this practice be stopped, ASAP.

It is time to start pushing back against freedom robbing official intrusions, before they decide to implement Marshal Law just because they can.

You live in a Police State, Massachusetts, so get used to it. You have no freedom.