Should people who don't donate organs be allowed to recieve them?


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Most people choose to be decapitated before being sent to a cryonics center. I personally think it's all bunk. The damage the brain receives from being frozen is extensive and basically destroys everything that's there. I don't expect people from the future to ever be able to recover a hard drive that I've sanded clean either.

The current technology favored by Alcor is vitrification, not freezing. Vitrification is an ice-free process in which more than 60% of the water inside cells is replaced with protective chemicals. This completely prevents freezing during deep cooling. Instead of freezing, molecules just move slower and slower until all chemistry stops at the glass transition temperature (approximately -124°C). Unlike freezing, there is no ice formation or ice damage in vitrified tissue. Blood vessels have been reversibly vitrified, and a whole kidney has been recovered and successfully transplanted with long-term survival after vitrification at a temperature of -135°C.
Most people choose to be decapitated before being sent to a cryonics center. I personally think it's all bunk. The damage the brain receives from being frozen is extensive and basically destroys everything that's there. I don't expect people from the future to ever be able to recover a hard drive that I've sanded clean either.

with vitrification they've also been able to perserve the brain's structures largely. But there is some other problems right now. BUT If I can bank on 40 years, lot of this will hopefully be improved.

see you in 2250 chump. ;)
I should, at the very least, have the right to refrain from donating my organs to evil people who refuse to donate their own. They are unworthy of life.
Yes, people who don't donate blood shouldn't get it either, unless they suffer from a horrid bout of trypanophobia, in which case everything is 100% fine since it's not their fault at all that psychological trauma prevents them from giving blood.

Hell, just having a low iron count will get you rejected...
I should, at the very least, have the right to refrain from donating my organs to evil people who refuse to donate their own. They are unworthy of life.

So what is your solution? They have to give up a kidney before they can get a piece of liver?

Most people who are receiving an organ are still alive while (except in certain rather rare circumstances) the one giving it is dead. You can go ahead and refuse my dead body an organ, but you have no way of knowing if my family would let you harvest my organs. Even if I have a little heart on my driver's license.
Putting my organ's in Mott's body would like be throwing them in the dumpster and watching them rot. Give them to someone who deserves to live.
I am an organ donor, can't donate my blood any longer, it is tainted! They don't want it anymore after you have cancer!