Should the State Elememtry Schools require an oath to the Federal Government?

Medicine for profit was bankrupting this nation. People who couldn't get insurance are now covered. They pay their premiums. You have a very low opinion of your fellow man.

Tell me, how many people are getting free stuff and why? Got my facts to back up your post?

They pay their premiums with subsidies from you and I!
Nonsense if that was true there wouldn't be Obamacare, because the American people were against it before, even more so now

RWs always say that about Obamacare. He campaigned on enacting health care in 2008 and won the election. He was re-elected in 2012 after the ACA became law, so why didn't people desert him in droves over this?
RWs always say that about Obamacare. He campaigned on enacting health care in 2008 and won the election. He was re-elected in 2012 after the ACA became law, so why didn't people desert him in droves over this?

two things to remember about this. 1) Democrats lost the house because of ACA and 2) the people were too stupid to vote 3rd party over Obama and Romney
What is Obama the President of? Oh, that's right, our Federal Government, you know... the United States of America.

You really are too stupid for prime time; and you claim to be a lawyer. If that is true, you're painful evidence of what idiots our educational establishment are graduating.

We are a Republic of States you dunce; you should do some research before you erupt with your painful stupidity. Maybe you should read the pledge again and explain how it relates to the bloated Federal Bureacracy or Imperial President you're so devoted to?

But there is a delightful irony when unthinking leftist twits like you who pray at the alter of unconstitutional Big Government solutions whine about a pledge of allegiance.
My passport was issued by who? Oh, ya, I applied to my Federal Government for it... so it was issued by The United States of America, it says so right on the cover.

You're arguments are incredibly stupid. Read the pledge and get back to us when you understand it's meaning. I capitalized the relevant parts because you appear to be too ignorant to comprehend much past your leftist talking points.

"I pledge allegiance to the FLAG of the United STATES of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE nation under GOD, indivisible, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL. "

I can't find Federal Government or Obama in there at all.
Don't confuse the country with the government. The United States was the United States after the declaration of independence was sigbed and under the articles of confederation and continued after that and it will continue to be the United States regardless.

And the Flag is a symbol of the 50 states and thirteen colonies. Nowhere on the Flag is a symbol of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch.

Then what republic is it that was formed by those 50 States? A Republic is a type of Government. The Republic for which the Flag stands is the Government of the United States of America. If they wanted it to stand for the people, the should have said.... "and to the people, for which it stands."
Don't confuse the country with the government. The United States was the United States after the declaration of independence was sigbed and under the articles of confederation and continued after that and it will continue to be the United States regardless.

And the Flag is a symbol of the 50 states and thirteen colonies. Nowhere on the Flag is a symbol of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch.

Don't confuse the country with the Republic.
Republic - a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president
Then what republic is it that was formed by those 50 States? A Republic is a type of Government. The Republic for which the Flag stands is the Government of the United States of America. If they wanted it to stand for the people, the should have said.... "and to the people, for which it stands."

LMAO; what do you think "to the Republic" means you clueless twit? The Feds?

Damn you are one uninformed ignorant leftist twit.
I am a fool for assuming that the word Republic refers to a government.? Really?

Websters is an idiot also, I guess.....

Republic - a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president

Liberals are not happy unless they are complaining about something. Now its the Pledge of Allegiance. They say they don't want to pledge their support to the federal government, yet that is who payed for the school they are sitting in and who pays the salaries of the teachers.

Liberals are not happy unless they are complaining about something. Now its the Pledge of Allegiance. They say they don't want to pledge their support to the federal government, yet that is who payed for the school they are sitting in and who pays the salaries of the teachers.

So, you think that in exchange for an education (paid for with Tax dollars), our children should be required to pledge their allegiance to the Federal Government?
So, you think that in exchange for an education (paid for with Tax dollars), our children should be required to pledge their allegiance to the Federal Government?

Once again, because you are too painfully stupid to comprehend, they are not pledging allegiance to the Government you moron.
I am a fool for assuming that the word Republic refers to a government.? Really?

Websters is an idiot also, I guess.....

Republic - a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president

I'm amused by literalists who are only literal when it serves a moronic agenda. We are a Republic of States. The citizens do not elect Presidents; State electors do.

I'm amused when Big Government Nanny State liberals like you opine over something as mundane as a pledge of alligience.

But again, they are pledging alligience to an idea, not a bloated centralized Federal Bureacracy you support as a gullible Nanny State Liberal stuck on that special brand of stupid.
So, you think that in exchange for an education (paid for with Tax dollars), our children should be required to pledge their allegiance to the Federal Government?

No; and the pledge of allegiance isn't to the Federal Government you ignorant twit.

You're another idiot who thinks the Fed should control and fund education and not the States. Federal tax dollars do not fund education; it funds a massive corrupt and failed Bureacracy that interferes with State funding and State control.