Should the US Government become Shareholders in US Business?

"One of the ideas is, if we provide assistance, we might take an equity position,” Kudlow said Wednesday at the White House, adding that the 2008 bailout of General Motors had been a good deal for the federal government."

Should the US Government be more like China? Holding a stake in American business? Being a Shareholder?
"Kudlow Floats U.S. Government Equity Stakes in Companies Helped"

"(Bloomberg) -- The White House’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said the administration may consider asking for an equity stake in corporations that want coronavirus aid from taxpayers."

^^^ I am shocked actually at the speed with which conservatives turned to socialism to save the economy and to promote the interests of the taxpayer.
^^^ I am shocked actually at the speed with which conservatives turned to socialism to save the economy and to promote the interests of the taxpayer.

:) Pretty sure it's to promote the Interests of the Shareholding Class.

But ... the concept of a joint Government/Private Enterprise has again arisen. It's worth discussion. Like, should the US let Boeing go under? Or is this some kind of strategic asset we (the US) should prop up.
:) Pretty sure it's to promote the Interests of the Shareholding Class.

But ... the concept of a joint Government/Private Enterprise has again arisen. It's worth discussion. Like, should the US let Boeing go under? Or is this some kind of strategic asset we (the US) should prop up.

The unspoken secret is that all knowledgeable people believe in some limited form of socialism - Republcans believe in it for the investor class, liberals for the working class.

The taxpayers made money on Obama's auto bailout, so it is a tried and proven measure to acquire equity on behalf of the public in these cases
The unspoken secret is that all knowledgeable people believe in some limited form of socialism - Republcans believe in it for the investor class, liberals for the working class.

The taxpayers made money on Obama's auto bailout, so it is a tried and proven measure to acquire equity on behalf of the public in these cases

I agree.
So how do we get 'Conservatives' to, one, acknowledge the Benefits of supporting 'strategic industries'. And, two, actually give up their Position of 'Non-intervention by Big Government'?

Who should be the Leader in 5G Technology ... China, or the US?
I agree.
So how do we get 'Conservatives' to, one, acknowledge the Benefits of supporting 'strategic industries'. And, two, actually give up their Position of 'Non-intervention by Big Government'?

Who should be the Leader in 5G Technology ... China, or the US?

Hopeless. Conservatives do not have any core principles. They could not rush fast enough to adopt a stimulus bill when a Republican was president, but there were virtually no Republicans who supported a massive government stimulus during the last economic meltdown - because Obama
^^^ I am shocked actually at the speed with which conservatives turned to socialism to save the economy and to promote the interests of the taxpayer.

Was the WWII effort socialism? Even International Harvester (A damn tractor company!) made M1 Garands for the Army.
And Ford made bombers, so many bombers some said it was Ford Motor Company that won WWII. Was that socialism?
"Kudlow Floats U.S. Government Equity Stakes in Companies Helped"

"(Bloomberg) -- The White House’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, said the administration may consider asking for an equity stake in corporations that want coronavirus aid from taxpayers."

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: Yeah, it would be a start in the right direction for some industries...LOTS of them.

The federal government should start by becoming shareholders...but should aim at being COMPETITORS of businesses. There are some businesses that the government will never do as good as private enterprise. But in areas like healthcare, for instance, I much prefer government as the primary provider.

I'd love to see the government compete with the private sector on distribution of goods also. A federal enterprise that competes with Amazon would be wonderful.
Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: Yeah, it would be a start in the right direction for some industries...LOTS of them.

The federal government should start by becoming shareholders...but should aim at being COMPETITORS of businesses. There are some businesses that the government will never do as good as private enterprise. But in areas like healthcare, for instance, I much prefer government as the primary provider.

I'd love to see the government compete with the private sector on distribution of goods also. A federal enterprise that competes with Amazon would be wonderful.

Seriously? You're not a millennial, you were around when the Soviet Union existed. How much more do need to see to know that model was a failure?
Was the WWII effort socialism? Even International Harvester (A damn tractor company!) made M1 Garands for the Army.
And Ford made bombers, so many bombers some said it was Ford Motor Company that won WWII. Was that socialism?

Good to hear you are in favor of government spending and government-sponsored work programs to stimulate the economy
Are you really that stupid?

Don't answer that, yes, you sure are.

Haha. I answer this with the caveat that I am not a fan of several of the proposals being floated by the White House. They are not good ideas.

With that being said your point is correct in that this isn't just a normal time with a slowing economy where people are arguing the government should offer fiscal stimulus. The government is forcing business to shut down and forcing people not to work. Huge difference. Pretty hard for the government to shut down the economy for a couple of months and then say pick up like nothing happened.
Seriously? You're not a millennial, you were around when the Soviet Union existed. How much more do need to see to know that model was a failure?

Haha. I answer this with the caveat that I am not a fan of several of the proposals being floated by the White House. They are not good ideas.

With that being said your point is correct in that this isn't just a normal time with a slowing economy where people are arguing the government should offer fiscal stimulus. The government is forcing business to shut down and forcing people not to work. Huge difference. Pretty hard for the government to shut down the economy for a couple of months and then say pick up like nothing happened.

The economy won't rebound over night. The whole world's economy has been drastically affected by this virus.
Are you really that stupid?

Don't answer that, yes, you sure are.
Obama was a Marxist-Socialist according to conservatives, so unless conservatives were lying, his stimulus and his Obamacare might as well have been hatched by the Soviet politburo.

I have consistently been in favor of Keynesian economic stimulus. You are apparently in favor of it only when a Republican is in the white house. Were you hollering for government stimulus in 2009 when Obama was prez and we were on the edge of a Second Great Republican Depression?

Spending tax money as an economic stimulus to build tanks, dams, or highways is a distinction without a difference in this context . it is downright Keynesian
Seriously? You're not a millennial, you were around when the Soviet Union existed. How much more do need to see to know that model was a failure?

Why are there so many Americans who think that because other countries cannot make idea work...that means we cannot either?

I think America can do what other countries have been unable to do.

AND I think the government should compete with the private see that we get the most favorable results at the lowest cost for everyone. If the private sector wins...fine with me.
Obama was a Marxist-Socialist according to conservatives, so unless conservatives were lying, his stimulus and his Obamacare might as well have been hatched by the Soviet politburo.

I have consistently been in favor of Keynesian economic stimulus. You are apparently in favor of it only when a Republican is in the white house. Were you hollering for government stimulus in 2009 when Obama was prez and we were on the edge of a Second Great Republican Depression?

Spending tax money as an economic stimulus to build tanks, dams, or highways is a distinction without a difference in this context . it is downright Keynesian

Don't try to assume you know what I thought of Obama, you don't.

Obama bailed out the automakers because they were mismanaged and heading for bankruptcy, nothing like this economy-crippling virus caused their demise.
The rest of your rant is just that, a senseless rant.