Should we ban all nonblack immigration?

we could make Maryland all black.....California all brown.....Minnesota can be divided between the Norwegians and the Muslims......
The coming black ethnostate will not be so harsh. The nonblacks will be provided for, and not forcibly removed or subjected to harsh measures.

So basically, White People will be getting Free Housing, Free Food, Free Medical Care, and Free Spending Money ... that doesn't really sound that bad. Hmmmmm ... and the Black People will be doing all the work and paying all the Taxes and steppin' and fetchin' for all the White People? You know, this may have potential.
Watermark always gets so cute and trolly when his side loses

Make no mistake his side lost bigly

They really thought they derailed Kavanaugh. It still ain’t over. Lord knows what the Soros funded left has planned for disruption

Personally I hope it is big. I hope they really show their asses today.

Remember, the left thinks they win no matter what. They defeat Kavanaugh and their side is fired up. Kavanaugh gets confirmed and their side is fired up.
Is "right here",Still the USA you were born in?
I think not!
I don't know where this is,but it isn't the USA you were born in

Not really. The USA I was born in didn't disrespect our flag. It said the Pledge every morning in school. I could buy a gun from Sears through the mail. Men used the men's restroom, women used the women's. I shot firearm competitions along side Dems. The constitution was sacred. Everyone loved this country. I could go on and on. You socialists, progressives and liberals want to divide and destroy this country, we won't let that happen.
Not really. The USA I was born in didn't disrespect our flag. It said the Pledge every morning in school. I could buy a gun from Sears through the mail. Men used the men's restroom, women used the women's. I shot firearm competitions along side Dems. The constitution was sacred. Everyone loved this country. I could go on and on. You socialists, progressives and liberals want to divide and destroy this country, we won't let that happen.

Kool-Aid has ruined your mind!
You blindly support fascist.
Not really. The USA I was born in didn't disrespect our flag. It said the Pledge every morning in school. I could buy a gun from Sears through the mail. Men used the men's restroom, women used the women's. I shot firearm competitions along side Dems. The constitution was sacred. Everyone loved this country. I could go on and on. You socialists, progressives and liberals want to divide and destroy this country, we won't let that happen.

Lee Harvey Oswald bought his gun through the mail.