Should We Ditch the Flag?

Should We Ditch Old Faithful?

  • Yes, America Sucks

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Haven't read more than a couple pages of the New Testament as from a scientific standpoint not much validity in a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception; but for this Christian Nation SCOTUS one nation under God with equal justice under law Nazi security in ditching the US flag decades ago granting standing to lynching enforcements national religion WW II Germany Kristallnacht traditions thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists to maintain that "man is God" "serve the Pope or die" Christiananlity pedophilia business propaganda as those burning Bush's 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" patriot act.

Just commenting on Legion's choice of disguise, not starting a theological discussion! :)

And what has this to do with Norman colonialism?
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No, I quit reading your sophomoric diatribes about the second one, the only reason I picked up on your education nonsense is it was one sentence long. Getting a degree in finance and economics is a good goal but you'll need to graduate from Jr. High first. You should know "word salad" it's all you post, it's obvious you come here to jerk the chains of anyone you disagree with, label them leftist and win when the react negatively; you're a bully. It's too bad you can redirect your Pavlovian hatred into discussing how to heal OUR nation instead of doing all you can to divide it.


Fuck off you dumb troll. You're not here to debate. You're here to whine cry and look like a dumbass. :palm:
As compared to those super egos of condescending arrogance accomplishments in Christiananality pedophilia's beyond the pleasure principle Freudian slip national religion second coming thru those burning Bush's 9/11 Arab "death to the infidels" patriot act dopey support....


So that condescending arrogant July 4th lynching enforcement Christiananlity pedophilia national religion SCOTUS protects & serves where Jew can't lie to this Christian Nation's Fourth Reich fabricated Islam misnomers paired with immaculate drug conceptions to maintain their suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming patriot act as "man is God" in one nation under God with equal justice under law ......
So that condescending arrogant July 4th lynching enforcement Christiananlity pedophilia national religion SCOTUS protects & serves where Jew can't lie to this Christian Nation's Fourth Reich fabricated Islam misnomers paired with immaculate drug conceptions to maintain their suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming patriot act as "man is God" in one nation under God with equal justice under law ......

Google translate isn't quite up to literate standards yet.
Google translate isn't quite up to literate standards yet.

How is it typical Christian Nation cross conditioned national religion avoidance in not accepting SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers & immaculate drug conceptions against a WW II Pentagon staff sergeant just to remain all too dang lily brilliant white Christiananality pedophilia for the Fourth of July as for one nation under God with equal justice under law . Must really be something for a Christian Nation to celebrate killing other Christians for the 4th of July to practice Christiananlity pedophilia to continue to kill the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ son of God conception of suicidal super ego "man is God" Christiananlity pedophilia sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming