Should we worry about sentient AI?

I do not know what "nobody home" means.

Hmm. Hard to explain. A robot with advanced AI might seem a real person to you, but is it really a real person? That is exactly why Alan Turing devised a test.

You asked if we should worry about sentient AI and I said yes. It is not a real person like you and me. That's the reason why Issac Asimov devised three rules.
Hmm. Hard to explain. A robot with advanced AI might seem a real person to you, but is it really a real person? That is exactly why Alan Turing devised a test.

You asked if we should worry about sentient AI and I said yes. It is not a real person like you and me. That's the reason why Issac Asimov devised three rules.

We far surpassed the imitation game. Of course machines can think. And I did not ask you if we should worry, that is from the article. I have no worries about it.
We far surpassed the imitation game. Of course machines can think. And I did not ask you if we should worry, that is from the article. I have no worries about it.

I disagree. We haven't surpassed the imitation game. I used to play chess games against computers all the time. They can "think". But that's just the programming doing the "thinking". The heuristic approach. The programs have no emotions, no feelings, no nothing.
I disagree. We haven't surpassed the imitation game. I used to play chess games against computers all the time. They can "think". But that's just the programming doing the "thinking". The heuristic approach. The programs have no emotions, no feelings, no nothing.

As Kasparov said, a chess computer does the same thing a human player does, only faster.