APP - 'Should You Procreate'


Question raised in True Detective.

Most people fail to question the framework of their mind and where its ideas and emotions came from. I was raised Catholic, procreation was a fundamental fact and still is for Catholicism. I never thought for a moment that having children was anything but normal. Mom popped us out on an almost yearly schedule. She lived her Faith. But time and reading and experience change us. Consider that a child dies of preventable causes even before you finish reading this. Right now in this world a child is being abused starving or dying. When one reads history, imagine the families led to the deep ditch and shot. Still have faith? Ivan Karamazov's question comes to mind, is all this worth one child's suffering. Our children and grandchildren fill us with great joy but great concern too. So is anti-natalism something you ponder. Thoughts.

"Rust Cohle expresses this idea when he says that he thinks "about the hubris it must take to yank a soul out of nonexistence into this … Force a life into this thresher...."

"I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal." Rustin Cohle

'Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence' by David Benatar

"people incapable of guilt usually do have a good time." Rustin Cohle
I'm curious, how many online have children and or grandchildren? I am often surprised by people, even by my mother and my wife, of how they feel later in life. A certain reality sinks in and they realize how much they think about their children. Others don't seem to care at all. And still others say people who have no children are selfish? Are they.
OT while no one seems able to comment in this thread, I thought the piece below from the American Conservative kinda funny. But that said republicans and conservatives have always disliked Public Education because PE teaches and doesn't indoctrinate as Right wing private schools and home schooling often does. Listening to the crowds at Trump rallies showed a level of hate and ignorance that was simply astounding.

'Trump Troglodytes May Breed Subhuman Species'

Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.
OT while no one seems able to comment in this thread, I thought the piece below from the American Conservative kinda funny. But that said republicans and conservatives have always disliked Public Education because PE teaches and doesn't indoctrinate as Right wing private schools and home schooling often does. Listening to the crowds at Trump rallies showed a level of hate and ignorance that was simply astounding.

'Trump Troglodytes May Breed Subhuman Species'

Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.



I've had people tell me that like they are afraid that like I might actually reproduce.

If I read that correctly, people are afraid you'll reproduce? You seem quite sane compared to most on this site so have it. But I also think people are creations of more than genetics. Our family is enormous and everyone is hard working and honest. I can't say the same for all their contacts spouses and friends. Culture and parents along with social class mean a lot.
I'm curious, how many online have children and or grandchildren? I am often surprised by people, even by my mother and my wife, of how they feel later in life. A certain reality sinks in and they realize how much they think about their children. Others don't seem to care at all. And still others say people who have no children are selfish? Are they.
I'm later in life and I'm continually amazed at how most of the young faces are brown and the older faces are white. I wonder if the parents of the brown faces got the democrats call to curb population growth?
I'm later in life and I'm continually amazed at how most of the young faces are brown and the older faces are white. I wonder if the parents of the brown faces got the democrats call to curb population growth?

One thing is clear you are an old time racist, lots of you guys around, the republicans have been playing you guys forever it seems. Does the shafting feel good?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ
One thing is clear you are an old time racist, lots of you guys around, the republicans have been playing you guys forever it seems. Does the shafting feel good?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ

How is his comment racist?
How is his comment racist?

Racist because it uses the conservative meme that minorities vote democratic do I really need to fill in the rest? or the why?

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
Racist because it uses the conservative meme that minorities vote democratic do I really need to fill in the rest? or the why?

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin

So basically it's not what the actual word, it's what liberal snowflakes want to ascribe to the word; because words really have no meaning and what's really important, is how someone FEELS they should mean.

Now I understand. :good4u:

One thing is clear you are an old time racist,
Put your finger away, midcan. lol.

I'm curious. What, exactly do you and the other democrats gain from illegal immigration?

lots of you guys around, the republicans have been playing you guys forever it seems. Does the shafting feel good?
lol. Are you trying to bait me into an insult war? What can you possibly hope to gain in APP by spewing such nonsense at me?

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ
Tell me Midcan, are you white?
So what do you think, midcan5? Have the parents of the brown faces followed the democrats' call to curb population growth?
I need to be nicer in APP eh? That said and since we are in APP, I'm going to need some clarification of your questions, last question first, I need you to define 'white' so I can answer that. See if I fit your requirement or definition. And please reply in a serious manner.

Second, both 'brown' and 'gain' pose further questions, how does color enter into immigration? Do you mean race? Please explain. And why would democrats 'gain' from your statement? I've never heard a single democrat claim 'illegal immigration' is a 'gain'? Explain your context, meaning, source, and maybe then I'll understand your statement. Thanks.

So what do you think, midcan5? Have the parents of the brown faces followed the democrats' call to curb population growth?

After you clarify my questions above, please provide a source for this new question? Again this is not something I am aware of. Source please. Thanks
I need to be nicer in APP eh? That said and since we are in APP, I'm going to need some clarification of your questions, last question first, I need you to define 'white' so I can answer that. See if I fit your requirement or definition. And please reply in a serious manner.

Second, both 'brown' and 'gain' pose further questions, how does color enter into immigration? Do you mean race? Please explain. And why would democrats 'gain' from your statement? I've never heard a single democrat claim 'illegal immigration' is a 'gain'? Explain your context, meaning, source, and maybe then I'll understand your statement. Thanks.

After you clarify my questions above, please provide a source for this new question? Again this is not something I am aware of. Source please. Thanks

So basically you just want to see which way the wind blows, so you can act like a windsock.

So basically you just want to see which way the wind blows, so you can act like a windsock.

Huh? Maybe you can answer my questions? I admit they are difficult as they touch on something fundamental, let's see what you got.

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." Philip K. Dick
I need to be nicer in APP eh?
Sure. Isn't that why you came here? To shed the nastiness and get to the meat of the subject? Now if you really feel the need to slither out of the façade and be a true democrat, I'd be more than happy to take this discussion to another part of JPP. ;)

That said and since we are in APP, I'm going to need some clarification of your questions, last question first, I need you to define 'white' so I can answer that. See if I fit your requirement or definition. And please reply in a serious manner. Second, both 'brown' and 'gain' pose further questions, how does color enter into immigration? Do you mean race? Please explain.
OK, my name is John Smith. My face is white. My hair is light brown and I have blue eyes. I'm a natural born citizen of the United States. The other guy's name is Jose Gallegos. His face is brown. His hair is black and he has brown eyes. He was born in the US, but his parents entered the country illegally from Central or South America. There are more & more faces like Jose's running around and less and less faces like mine. Since those brown faces tend to vote democrat more than they do republican, why haven't they gotten the message? Why are they reproducing at such an alarming rate?

And why would democrats 'gain' from your statement? I've never heard a single democrat claim 'illegal immigration' is a 'gain'? Explain your context, meaning, source, and maybe then I'll understand your statement. Thanks.
I'm not sure I've ever heard a democrat claim that illegal immigration is a gain, either. I have, however, seen lots and lots of democrats jump Conservatives for condemning illegal immigration, and that's the point. Why do you people do it?

After you clarify my questions above, please provide a source for this new question? Again this is not something I am aware of. Source please. Thanks
Hey, sure thing:

Let's start with the title of this thread: "Should you procreate".

What were you thinking when you started this thread?

Now go ahead and chew on these links for a bit, and then we'll talk more.
...What were you thinking when you started this thread?

Now go ahead and chew on these links for a bit, and then we'll talk more....

LOL Why do you right wingers find it necessary to itemize? I've read lawyers do that to create confusion in complex cases.

We are totally off topic but that said I started this thread because the ideas put forth in 'True Detective' are fascinating questions. I have known couples who choose not to have children, they do so for a number of reasons. Some because raising kids is work and a few others for reason closer to Rustin Cohle's position. You and others read into the thread your own meaning, that is the unconscious at work. There was not an iota of nastiness implied, somehow the right wing found that and I strayed into their world. lol

John Smith you are a racist and bigot I mean that in the nicest way. Lots of groups have as a part of their religion or ethnicity the desire to have children. As a Catholic our mom had lots and lots of Hispanics are Catholic. Propagation of the faith is an article of faith among many orthodox groups. See how easy it is to understand culture.

If you've never heard a democrat say something then why say it? You and I love among others miss the point, you are conditioned by propaganda to see this topic as us versus them. Many religious now offer their churches as homes to illegal immigrants, I'm sure they are not all democrats. What they are people who follow and live their faith, faith is missing among many Americans today. In its place is an odd partisanship that is conditioned and lacks compassion and empathy for the blight of immigrants.

Could you just say what the links mean for you? That would be easier as I don't see the world as you do.

And to get back on topic:
LOL Why do you right wingers find it necessary to itemize? I've read lawyers do that to create confusion in complex cases.
That's stupid. Breaking this stuff down is the only way to keep a liberal's thoughts in order.

We are totally off topic but that said I started this thread because the ideas put forth in 'True Detective' are fascinating questions. I have known couples who choose not to have children, they do so for a number of reasons. Some because raising kids is work and a few others for reason closer to Rustin Cohle's position. You and others read into the thread your own meaning, that is the unconscious at work. There was not an iota of nastiness implied, somehow the right wing found that and I strayed into their world. lol
A liberal and a progressive asking whether we should procreate? lol. Are you trying to tell me that population control wasn't on your mind when you started this thread?

John Smith you are a racist and bigot I mean that in the nicest way.
No you don't, lol. You mean that in the finger pointing race hustler sort of way. But that's OK. We're convinced that your side promotes illegal immigration so that you can snatch them up and groom them to vote democrat.

Lots of groups have as a part of their religion or ethnicity the desire to have children. As a Catholic our mom had lots and lots of Hispanics are Catholic. Propagation of the faith is an article of faith among many orthodox groups. See how easy it is to understand culture.
Culture over political objective. Are you sure you guys are cool with that?

If you've never heard a democrat say something then why say it?
Population control is at the very core of the democrat party belief system. I've heard democrats talk about this stuff ever since my grandparents. How in the world could you even say something like this?

You and I love among others miss the point, you are conditioned by propaganda to see this topic as us versus them.
Is this a plea for nations without borders? ;)

Many religious now offer their churches as homes to illegal immigrants, I'm sure they are not all democrats.
There might be a few, but the vast majority probably are democrat.

What they are people who follow and live their faith, faith is missing among many Americans today. In its place is an odd partisanship that is conditioned and lacks compassion and empathy for the blight of immigrants.
Why do leftists automatically think that true Christianity means breaking the laws of the land?

Could you just say what the links mean for you? That would be easier as I don't see the world as you do.
These are links to leftists who believe in population control. Isn't that what you were asking for? Sources?

Again, don't you see how suspicious it looks for a liberal to talk about whether we should procreate, and say he doesn't have population control on his mind?