APP - 'Should You Procreate'

Huh? Maybe you can answer my questions? I admit they are difficult as they touch on something fundamental, let's see what you got.

"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." Philip K. Dick

So you admit that you're just a windsock and are trying to control the discussion, by manipulating the words. :good4u:
LOL Why do you right wingers find it necessary to itemize? I've read lawyers do that to create confusion in complex cases.

We are totally off topic but that said I started this thread because the ideas put forth in 'True Detective' are fascinating questions. I have known couples who choose not to have children, they do so for a number of reasons. Some because raising kids is work and a few others for reason closer to Rustin Cohle's position. You and others read into the thread your own meaning, that is the unconscious at work. There was not an iota of nastiness implied, somehow the right wing found that and I strayed into their world. lol

John Smith you are a racist and bigot I mean that in the nicest way. Lots of groups have as a part of their religion or ethnicity the desire to have children. As a Catholic our mom had lots and lots of Hispanics are Catholic. Propagation of the faith is an article of faith among many orthodox groups. See how easy it is to understand culture.

If you've never heard a democrat say something then why say it? You and I love among others miss the point, you are conditioned by propaganda to see this topic as us versus them. Many religious now offer their churches as homes to illegal immigrants, I'm sure they are not all democrats. What they are people who follow and live their faith, faith is missing among many Americans today. In its place is an odd partisanship that is conditioned and lacks compassion and empathy for the blight of immigrants.

Could you just say what the links mean for you? That would be easier as I don't see the world as you do.

And to get back on topic:

Please explain how what he has said, makes him a racist. :dunno:
@midcan5: Do you think it's responsible to procreate when
1. You can't afford even a decent life for yourself
2. You have so many mental and/or personal hangups such as addiction, personality disorder(s) or the inability to hold a job - that haven't been addressed that you can't possibly know how to raise a child to be responsible in society?

Be honest.
@midcan5: Do you think it's responsible to procreate when
1. You can't afford even a decent life for yourself
2. You have so many mental and/or personal hangups such as addiction, personality disorder(s) or the inability to hold a job - that haven't been addressed that you can't possibly know how to raise a child to be responsible in society?

Be honest.

I have a relative who has had 8 children and doesn't have custody of any of them.
One of your daughters actually ended up adopting the 4 youngest.
This person has refused all offers of help with her "problem" and has pretty much burned bridges with a lot of the family.
The Courts have told us that there's nothing that can be done, to stop her from having children; because it's HER RIGHT.
What about the rights of the children who end up in the middle of this?

This is what it looks like when someone steps forward to help and it's what a lot of people don't or refuse to understand.
Be honest.

Granule, bravo, well done, you acknowledged you are assuming at lot, that's a great first step. But again you need to move out of your world, your assumption that democrats have population control as a core belief is something I've never heard? Doesn't that contradict your more racist (?) assumption about browns and democratic gains. Religions became republican when abortion became a wedge issue, they still are and recent laws have allowed them even to discriminate - but those bad judges have a say too.

Population control is a complex issue though and the concern over it seems to fluctuate with the times. Malthus was wrong although England is small compared with the world. When I grew up families had lots of kids as mom stayed at home and raised them. That has changed in America. In other countries it appears to we spoiled Americans as too many people in too crowded places. As societies advance second and third generations change and giving birth loses some appeal. I admit I have no good answer here.

"Again, don't you see how suspicious it looks for a liberal to talk about whether we should procreate, and say he doesn't have population control on his mind?""

No, I don't, not at all. Interesting though as it was so far from my mind.


"Be honest."

Aloysious, I am always honest unless having fun. No, I don't think it responsible, but I can't judge them as I don't know what motivated them or the whys. Thankfully Aloysious I don't have those problems but I agree. When I starting out in corporate America I was asked to manage a large group of vocational workers. I shouldn't say this but I told them there was no way I could do that as I'd have to commit murder way too often. As I moved up the food chain I later managed managers and even that can be tough but by then I had matured enough. So I agree. Now your turn, while somewhat off topic why are so many Americans frustrated and on drugs? So many deaths, why do you think that is? What motivates it? How is it fixed? --- I personally find life a blessing and joy even though I am not religious. PS we raised two boys and they are doing well, and the grandkids too.

OT: the question that started this thread is a profound one but I'll leave it there as we seem off track for sure. I'll close with the words of an atheist. "We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here." Richard Dawkins