Darth Omar
Russian asset
she was not there. she is not a doctor. who cares what she says? the autopsy has not been completed. you prove what a dumbass you are by thinking because she is related to him she has some kind of mystical intelligence about how he died!! SCIENCE, DICKHEAD, NOT BULLSHIT RIGHT WING CRAP. how is that windmill cancer coming along?
Sciencey science lol.
If the autopsy is still going on six weeks after the fact that is remarkable in of itself. They’re trying to rule out the possibility Trump supporters poisoned him with Arsenic? If Sicknick died the next day from wounds occurred during the riot *there would be wounds* and their conclusions wouldn’t take nearly this long.
Give it up, this is starting to get ridiculous. There is no evidence that Sicknick died from anything Trump supporters did.