
"WHO’s assessment system was based on five indicators: overall level of population health; health inequalities (or disparities) within the population; overall level of health system responsiveness (a combination of patient satisfaction and how well the system acts); distribution of responsiveness within the population (how well people of varying economic status find that they are served by the health system); and the distribution of the health system’s financial burden within the population (who pays the costs)."

Although it's important that the poor be treated well, the statistics are biased. Only one factor has to actually do with how well the health care system treats it's patients. The other three basically overlap - all mean how well the poor are treated, and even if the poor are treated the best in the whole damn world your rank will still be lower than government healthcare systems if the rich have the ability to buy better healthcare.
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For instance, if Canada had full public spending on healthcare, but the rich could buy very expensive, top-notch healthcare that would be too damn expensive for the government to support reasonably, Canada's rank would go down. If they ban privately buying your own healthcare, the average persons level of healthcare has actually gone a bit. The poor haven't been helped at all. But Canada would go way up in the WHO rankings.
Healthcare among developed nations is generally about equal for each nation. But the WHO mentions one of the things they judge as "how it is paid for" (I assume that this means that if it's "free" you're ranked higher), and that probably accounts for the vast majority of the difference between us and the other nations. The only thing wrong with our healthcare system is that it's too damn expensive. The actually quality is on par with any one of the nations the WHO partisanly ranks higher than us.

I'll tell you the truth Water. I'm not interested in debating with anyone who doesn't think we need universal health care. I'll debate with someone who holds a different opinion on how we get there (state by state vs federal, etc), but at this point in my life, I just don't have the time, or the patience to deal with those who don't get that we have to get there, one way or the other. No offense, it's one of the two subjects I'm "unreasonable" on. The other being Iraq.

I accidentally clicked on Larry King last night on cnn while channel surfing..I saw Michael was his I stopped to see what this was all about...It was very interesting...I am not a fan of either Michael nor Larry...But I will say I do agree on alot of the points he made about Insurance company rip offs along with our current HMO system! I can relate as I have been ripped off by insurance companies in the past...denying claims and such! So albeit it hurts my heart...I must agree with the lib's on this issue! Our system needs a complete and fair overhaul!
I accidentally clicked on Larry King last night on cnn while channel surfing..I saw Michael was his I stopped to see what this was all about...It was very interesting...I am not a fan of either Michael nor Larry...But I will say I do agree on alot of the points he made about Insurance company rip offs along with our current HMO system! I can relate as I have been ripped off by insurance companies in the past...denying claims and such! So albeit it hurts my heart...I must agree with the lib's on this issue! Our system needs a complete and fair overhaul!

It's a good thing I didn't have any high fat foods today, or this post could have pushed me into a heart attack.
I'll tell you the truth Water. I'm not interested in debating with anyone who doesn't think we need universal health care. I'll debate with someone who holds a different opinion on how we get there (state by state vs federal, etc), but at this point in my life, I just don't have the time, or the patience to deal with those who don't get that we have to get there, one way or the other. No offense, it's one of the two subjects I'm "unreasonable" on. The other being Iraq.

I never said I didn't believe in universal healthcare, did I ;) .

I think we need to vastly expand and improve the need based coverage we currently have. There's no reason we need to subsidize fat cats because the poor are under-insured. Barring that, I'd prefer a universal insurance system over the current one.