Sidney Powell Tells Judge ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe Her Dominion Conspirac

Sidney Powell Tells Judge ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe Her Dominion Conspiracy Theories Were ‘Statements of Fact’

And yet trumps rubes bought the story hook line and sinker especially sister stench and stone, now how low IQ is that!!

Facing more than $1.3 billion in liabilities over her post-election conspiracy theories, lawyer Sidney Powell told a judge that the defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems filed against her earlier this year should be dismissed because “no reasonable person” would believe that her well-publicized comments about an international plot against former President Donald Trump were “statements of fact.”

Trumppers are not reasonable people.
‘Kraken Cracks Under Pressure:’

Raffensperger, who has long defended the state against the baseless fraud claims from Powell and others, took a celebratory tone in a news release Tuesday, declaring, "The Kraken cracks under pressure."

After Election Day, Powell filed a series of last-ditch lawsuits seeking to overturn the election results by claiming Dominion rigged the election, after saying she would “release the Kraken” to reveal the non-existent fraud.
Sidney Powell Tells Judge ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe Her Dominion Conspiracy Theories Were ‘Statements of Fact’

And yet trumps rubes bought the story hook line and sinker especially sister stench and stone, now how low IQ is that!!

Facing more than $1.3 billion in liabilities over her post-election conspiracy theories, lawyer Sidney Powell told a judge that the defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems filed against her earlier this year should be dismissed because “no reasonable person” would believe that her well-publicized comments about an international plot against former President Donald Trump were “statements of fact.”

those machines are back door johnnies. full of holes.
She is being sued by a private company called Dominion Voting Systems.

Yes, but I don't believe the judge is an employee of theirs, nor the jury if one has been impaneled.

But if any are Democrats - aka deranged Nazi terrorists - justice may not be served.