Signalmankenneth: Troll, or legit?

Is Signalmankeneth a troll?

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Uwaa OmO
Well, take your pick. I say he's a troll. ALL he does is post bandwith consuming political cartoons. Have any of you ever seen him type more than a sentence?
Says he's a 'Nam vet so that makes him an older gentleman. Yeah, kind of weird to never post a personal opinion. He was on an AOL board some of us were on previously and I think he only posted cartoons there as well. Maybe he's a regulars side troll?
Obvious Troll

Says he's a 'Nam vet so that makes him an older gentleman. Yeah, kind of weird to never post a personal opinion. He was on an AOL board some of us were on previously and I think he only posted cartoons there as well. Maybe he's a regulars side troll?

ok....i just reviewed his posts via the see his posts thing....

and i skimmed about 4 pages, beginning, middle, end (being 15 pages almost at this beginning posts) and he doesn't really post opinions, seems more like others opinions or cartoons....

that said, maybe he feels comfortable expressing himself that way
ok....i just reviewed his posts via the see his posts thing....

and i skimmed about 4 pages, beginning, middle, end (being 15 pages almost at this beginning posts) and he doesn't really post opinions, seems more like others opinions or cartoons....

that said, maybe he feels comfortable expressing himself that way
The same could be said about your stalker troll. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but I say he's a bandwidth hogging troll.
He's not a troll but what's this about bandwidth-consuming? Surely the cartoons take up far less space than the T&A pictures that are so prevalent.
Not when done en mass as Kenneth has done on multiple occasions. I don't really care, I don't pay for the bandwidth. I just think he's a waste of space.
Says he's a 'Nam vet so that makes him an older gentleman. Yeah, kind of weird to never post a personal opinion. He was on an AOL board some of us were on previously and I think he only posted cartoons there as well. Maybe he's a regulars side troll?

He used to post on the War on Terror board and he is a good guy in my book.