Signing Day Today - Should Be A National Holiday

What sentiment or romance is there in following the calendar and the commercials to buy your sweetheart something? I buy my love things because of what she means to me, not because of some over-commercialized holiday.

And what is better than to be surprised with a dozen roses or a romantic gift when you are totally not expecting it??
There you go being logical again. Just STFU and pony up the flowers and candy dude. Is that so hard?
Flowers are dead things, buy me a rose bush, chocolates are always good.

Oh I love flowers. I guess I am bad but I can't help it. Chocolates are good but they have to be Godiva. I am not going to waste the calories and sugar content on Russel Stover sorry.

Oh I love flowers. I guess I am bad but I can't help it. Chocolates are good but they have to be Godiva. I am not going to waste the calories and sugar content on Russel Stover sorry.

Lots of people love flowers, but I am just one who loves them living, in my garden. I always send plants when I send "flowers", like a mini rose, or a combination plant arrangement. I do prefer good chocolate, my favorites, See's nuts and chews!
Lots of people love flowers, but I am just one who loves them living, in my garden. I always send plants when I send "flowers", like a mini rose, or a combination plant arrangement. I do prefer good chocolate, my favorites, See's nuts and chews!

Oh See's are excellent as well.

I like roses, especially sterling silver roses, or peach roses. I absolutely love peach roses. Sterling silver roses are really gorgeous but they are so expensive. I like them in bouquets.
Don't pay any attention, Rana is one of those earth mother goody goody types. I like my roses specially force-grown and then freshly slaughtered just for me. And very tall. And expensive.

I am, ommmmmmmmm. I would border on granola if it weren't for my taste in fashion.
Well I still think it's unfair that you women get all the romantic holidays and us men don't but I do agree that "Steak and Blank" is over the top. Can we meet you half way and have a "Hamburger and Belly Rub" day?
Well I still think it's unfair that you women get all the romantic holidays and us men don't but I do agree that "Steak and Blank" is over the top. Can we meet you half way and have a "Hamburger and Belly Rub" day?

You guys run everything for the last 10,000 years and now you want special holidays, sheesh some genders are never happy.
Quit being an insufferable prick and show your woman you love her on Valentines aint about you! ;-P

Making sure she knows I love her is what I do all the time. How many men would buy all that shit it if wasn't a holiday? And how many do it to either stay out of trouble or in the hopes of getting laid?

Valentines Day is not about love. Its about selling crap.