Simple pleasures


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I think the simple pleasures in life are often overlooked.
I recall growing up in kentucky Ohio and wva on farms .
I really enjoyed going to the garden with a small knife and a salt and pepper shaker and enjoying freshly picked tomatoes and cucumbers . still warm from the sun a heritage tomato my grandfather grew and young cucumbers.
The smell of the earth after a spring rain.
Homemade butter .
The sound of rain on the tin roof.
sitting in a field after a day of bailing hay.......meandowlarks singing........prairie roses blooming in the fence row......drinking ice cold lemonade......the scent of the new hay......heaven should take lessons......
sitting in a field after a day of bailing hay.......meandowlarks singing........prairie roses blooming in the fence row......drinking ice cold lemonade......the scent of the new hay......heaven should take lessons......

Yeah, that's not done here because baling the hay stirs up all the red ants.

It's so dry there is no hay right now.
sitting in a field after a day of bailing hay.......meandowlarks singing........prairie roses blooming in the fence row......drinking ice cold lemonade......the scent of the new hay......heaven should take lessons......

I have mad a lot of hay in my day. I did enjoy a ice cold beer afterwards or ice water to chug


on the other hand, people who correct my grammar.......meh......
To me it's "mowed". I mowed some grass today.

That's acceptable as as adverb in that context as a simple past tense and past participle of "mow"; it's just not my preference to say the hay was "mowed".

Mown is often used as mow's past-participial adjective.

I "mowed" the grass; the grass was "mown".
That's acceptable as as adverb in that context as a simple past tense and past participle of "mow"; it's just not my preference to say the hay was "mowed".

Mown is often used as mow's past-participial adjective.

I "mowed" the grass; the grass was "mown".

Well..Right now I'm thinking of that Miss Brooks' sketch where she nailed it all down in under 2 minutes. :laugh:

That was a fantastic piece of work and highly underrated.

If I could find that, that would be great.