Sinead O'Connor question.

I still don't know why the Catholic Church still exists as an entity.

Bud Light puts a transgender on a single can of beer, and they're almost ruined. The Church abused countless victims and has a long history of abuse & corruption, and still goes on its merry way.

Racketeering. The worst sex cult on the planet.
A question came to mind upon hearing of her death ... any of the people still alive that booed her 31 years ago for ripping up the Pope's picture have the courage and humility to admit they were wrong? Especially given what we now know today? :thinking:

The Catholic Church had undue influence on Irish law, in an often misogynist way,
and Ms. O'Connor protested this in New York City
where almost nobody knew anything about it.

Thus the ripping up of the Pope's photo was subject to any kind of interpretation.

I didn't think she was talented.
I didn't think she was smart.
I didn't think she was important, either, however,
so I didn't care very much.

Perhaps I should mention that I didn't care about the Pontiff or his photo, either.

She was completely right about the Catholic Church and the Irish Government, of course.
But it was nothing compared to Islam and Middle Eastern theocracies.

As for Catholics in the US, the Catholic majority on the SCOTUS acts more like psycho evangelicals
than typical urban ethnic Catholics, the majority of whom are lapsed.
Why would we say she wasn't wrong?

She was, she was like a precursor to Nancy Pelosi.

First of all, Pope John was a very well respected man who did a lot of work, better than most in his position in a very long time.

Secondly, she was on a comedy show and hijacked it to make some dumb political statement.

I'm glad the devil finally brought her home.

JPII was, indeed, probably a better man than some, but clearly the Church did not fully address the issues she was highlighting and many in power in the Church kept it going, kept the coverups going for decades.

The Pope at the time is the head of the physical church and, like any boss of a dysfunctional organization, needs to know that the "buck stops with him". Ergo she was in the right to do this.

Now, as to your joy that the "devil finally brought her home"...that's a pretty fucked up view. Certainly not anything that aligns with Christian Church, no matter what denomination. If you hated here just shut up about it. Don't rejoice.

I know it's cool here on JPP to mock the mentally ill or those who suffer, but the irony of doing it after defending the "faith" is unsettling at best.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The official autopsy report has yet to be released. Meanwhile, does anyone else have comments directly pertaining to the OP?

I didn’t find out about it until she passed away. Never watched SNL but I would have figured such a thing would be in the news. My brain has gotten old.

I will say that if it was done to “shed light on abuse within the [Catholic] church” then she deserves two thumbs up. If it was just a vindictive show of disdain for a religious institution because it was a religious institution then I’d have probably been a “boo-er.”

FYI: it wasn't the latter. That was made clear by her in the immediate aftermath. It was also a general topic in the MSM (regarding sex abuse by clergy known by the hierarchy).
FYI: it wasn't the latter. That was made clear by her in the immediate aftermath. It was also a general topic in the MSM (regarding sex abuse by clergy known by the hierarchy).

I certainly get annoyed when the current Pope starts yapping again about morality or politics...he needs to get his own house in order before offering advice, usually bad advice, to others.
Christianity was however awesome, I am sorry to see it die, which might be the root cause of our current dark age.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
FYI: it wasn't the latter. That was made clear by her in the immediate aftermath. It was also a general topic in the MSM (regarding sex abuse by clergy known by the hierarchy).

I certainly get annoyed when the current Pope starts yapping again about morality or politics...he needs to get his own house in order before offering advice, usually bad advice, to others.

Here's my thing: He copped to the charges...that the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy aided and abetted sexual harassment and sexual abuse of minors and clergy....had done so for YEARS. And yet they (the Church) are STILL in business, because let's face it, without that international "tithing", they'd have to get up off all those "artifacts" and real estate. Why people STILL stay with these jokers is beyond me!
Here's my thing: He copped to the charges...that the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy aided and abetted sexual harassment and sexual abuse of minors and clergy....had done so for YEARS. And yet they (the Church) are STILL in business, because let's face it, without that international "tithing", they'd have to get up off all those "artifacts" and real estate. Why people STILL stay with these jokers is beyond me!

U R A lying CUNT.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Here's my thing: He copped to the charges...that the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy aided and abetted sexual harassment and sexual abuse of minors and clergy....had done so for YEARS. And yet they (the Church) are STILL in business, because let's face it, without that international "tithing", they'd have to get up off all those "artifacts" and real estate. Why people STILL stay with these jokers is beyond me!

U R A lying CUNT.

Projecting again, Hawk? Or perhaps you are truly ignorant of the historically documented facts? Here's a primer:

Former pope Benedict admits making false claim to child sexual abuse inquiry
Do pay attention to my current sig.

You will be Judged.

:rolleyes: My man, if you're announcing your fringe evangelical christian bent, just know that I'm not impressed, and will apply the same logic and deductive reasoning to you as I've always have. When you become to irrational, I'll just put you on the ignore list for a month or so that you'll wise up (or sober up or see counseling....whatever works). Carry on.
A question came to mind upon hearing of her death ... any of the people still alive that booed her 31 years ago for ripping up the Pope's picture have the courage and humility to admit they were wrong? Especially given what we now know today? :thinking:

The then time was JP II. A virtual rock star. If it was Francis then you might have an argument but as it is she was a waste of air and space. To quote an old SNL skit, "Ba-bye"