Basically blowing smoke up my ass. But hey, at least he talked the talk.
i don't buy it....sorry!
Bush was HORRIBLE his first term...
there was NO ONE in the USA that could have been WORSE than bush was his first term, in EVERY MANNER! not kennedy, not kerry, not even byrd.....
YOU BOTH chose to ignore this because you were brainwashed to ''believe'' that NO DEMOCRAT was as WORTHY as Bush for the position....
and quite frankly, you two bought it, hook, line and SINKER.....and hatred towards Dems allowed you to believe it.....and truthfully, has aided in bring our country down....
face up to it, otherwise your repentance is empty.....and you will be apt to do it again, fall in to that trap again....
but needed to be said....at least by me!
I have no shame in saying I believe that Kerry would be worse than Bush and that I did not and would not vote for Kerry because of it. I made no qualms about it during the election either. It had nothing to do with "hatred" of dems either, it has everything to do with economic freedom which I believe that all freedoms begin at and grow from. That each event that begins to stifle that freedom is the next step in the wrong direction...i don't buy it....sorry!
Bush was HORRIBLE his first term...
there was NO ONE in the USA that could have been WORSE than bush was his first term, in EVERY MANNER! not kennedy, not kerry, not even byrd.....
YOU BOTH chose to ignore this because you were brainwashed to ''believe'' that NO DEMOCRAT was as WORTHY as Bush for the position....
and quite frankly, you two bought it, hook, line and SINKER.....and hatred towards Dems allowed you to believe it.....and truthfully, has aided in bring our country down....
face up to it, otherwise your repentance is empty.....and you will be apt to do it again, fall in to that trap again....
but needed to be said....at least by me!
Ahhh... Poking with a stick, I see... Well, prod on...I was egging Immie and klaatu on Damo....I should have put names.....and really I was egging Immie on, not even Klaatu that much because I really did not hear that much from him before the election as I did from immie....
One of them knew exactly who I was talking about... right away...as soon as he read it .....![]()
Yeah, there is something wrong with it. They lack a balanced viewpoint, a sense of proportion, to the point where they can't see the big picture, and can be manipulated by sleazy politicians and a subservient media to ignore more subtle, yet more important issues, to the detriment of all of us.
Ahhh... Poking with a stick, I see... Well, prod on...
I'm not saying single issue voting is always a good thing. I'm saying that even I have cast a vote on one issue. So I can't be too judgemental. I voted for Dennis Kucinch in the Dem primary, simply as a protest against Kerry's war vote. One issue, in essence. On the issues broadly speaking, I probably agreed more with kerry.
I would take "single issue" voting, on a case by case basis.
It's Libertarian Nutjob!Some times there is not a whole hell of a lot of difference between the candidates. Both are liars and crooks and it is evident. So do I chose Crook D or Liar R take your pick or is it Liar D and Crook R?
It's Libertarian Nutjob!
Big deal. Even I would prefer the Libertarian Nutjob.Well, I would prefer the Libertarian Nutjob to either the Democratic Liar/Crook or the Republican Crook/Liar.
I'm not saying single issue voting is always a good thing. I'm saying that even I have cast a vote on one issue. So I can't be too judgemental. I voted for Dennis Kucinch in the Dem primary, simply as a protest against Kerry's war vote. One issue, in essence. On the issues broadly speaking, I probably agreed more with kerry.
I would take "single issue" voting, on a case by case basis.
I'm not saying single issue voting is always a good thing. I'm saying that even I have cast a vote on one issue. So I can't be too judgemental. I voted for Dennis Kucinch in the Dem primary, simply as a protest against Kerry's war vote. One issue, in essence. On the issues broadly speaking, I probably agreed more with kerry.
I would take "single issue" voting, on a case by case basis.
That's why I said, "Can be bad", I think being a single issue voter is bad in cases where you ignore all the incompentecies of a candidate and numerous of other positions that have a negative impact all for 1 single issue.
But, is the Iraq war really a "single issue"? Its really a myriad of other negative effects that supporting this war causes that makes me so vehemently opposed to it and its apologists:
Strained International Relations
The sustained negative economic impact that this long term financial obligation will have on our federal debt
We are the root cause of civil war in Iraq
The death and injury of 1000s of innocent Iraqi's
The death and injury of 1000s of US soldiers
It was unjust to begin with
Not to mention in addtion to all of these negatives, if you still are chearleading this war on, you're an incompetent dumba$$. I think all of these issues can be summed up nicely by saying, "The Iraq War", but its really all of the MANY other issues that arise from it that is what hurts us. If it was going well, didn't cost us anything, no one was dying and we weren't scorned for it by international community and they did find a WMD program, would it be an issue?
On the other hand, if someone wanted to bring back slavery - I'd be a one issue voter in that case.
Well, that would be considered a pretty egregious one issue that would, I hope, turn most of us into one issue voters.