Sir Isaac Newton...


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Respected scientist, or religious kook?


Isaac Newton, Bible Code Pioneer?

The folly of interpreters has been to foretell times and things by this prophecy, as if God designed to make them prophets. By this rashness they have not only exposed themselves, but brought the prophecy also into contempt. The design of God was much otherwise. He gave this and the prophecies of the Old Testament, not to gratify men's curiosities by enabling them to foreknow things, but that after they were fulfilled they might be interpreted by the event, and his own providence, not the interpreters', be then manifested thereby to the world. For the event of things predicted many ages before will then be a convincing argument that the world is governed by Providence.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
Newton was a nut. That's common knowledge -- or should be, I suppose. His intellect was also well beyond mere brilliance; he was a true genius, from a day before the word had been overused into irrelevance.

Go figure. :)
I love how they ask what he would have done with access to a computer. He probably would have been lost to science and spent all his time reading "bible codes".
The more intelligent a person is the more likely they are to be nutz.
There's some truth to that. Partially it's a matter of perception; the freakishly intelligent are often not easily understandable by us mere mortals. It's also true, though, that an extreme gift in one area often seems to be accompanied by very odd patterns of thought in others. Sometimes patterns debilitatingly odd.
Absolutely Ornot. With the added intelligence comes added possibilities. the old good or bad this or that logic goes out the window. Too many possibilities is not very comforting ......
Well Golly Gee...

As long as we are going to pick on historical figures who passed away several hundred years ago let's pick on the 'Fathers of the Liberal movement'...Say Nero and Calligula...Ahh the long lost Roman Empire...Now Nero was classic...he had Rome burned to the ground so he could build more gay bathouses( But he was a artist...played the fiddle)...and Calligula also loved his sister and little boys...yep Liberalism at it's finest!;)

Both of those guys sound like neos to me. I kind of think of bush as Nero.
And Cheney as calligula.

I don't think so...see Clinton as he played the sax...and a few Libs have even ran some bathouses and escort services for boys and supposedy grown men...'Barney' ring a bell! Barney is the target ya are looking for!
Nice try though!
Both of those guys sound like neos to me. I kind of think of bush as Nero.
And Cheney as calligula.

Damn I think you hit it on the head with that one.

Bush Is Nero who fiddles with himself instead of a fiddle

Cheney is Calligulia but doesnt want to have to wash his own has so he uses others.
I am not the only one to make the connection between nero and bush....
I have read it before other places. Not my origional idea, but I fully agree.

The Cheney - Caligula comparison is mine.
Ohhh c'mon...

Damn I think you hit it on the head with that one.

Bush Is Nero who fiddles with himself instead of a fiddle

Cheney is Calligulia but doesnt want to have to wash his own has so he uses others.

Ya can do better than that...after all GW was a 'cheerleader'...he was right... we 'jocks' were wrong...he was a smart dude..he traveled with the girls while we idiots got all hot and sweaty! As for 'dickee poo'..all I can say is he was too busy making bucks to learn how to shoot straight...a little time at the range could cure that...but 'libs' are a lost cause..imho!
Desh check out truthout, there is a good story on there about a repub nominated person being questioned for a position on the FEC...
He seems to remember less than Regan did on Irancontra.
I thought of you when I read it. Just another means for the cons to corrupt our
election process.

This next election is not going to be perfect either but I dont think they can scew the numbers enough to win.

Until we get this system cleaned up Dems have to get more around 60% of the vote to "win" and election.

I am prepared to Watch the Dems like a hawk to make sue when they get control that they DO THE RIGHT THINGS or Im going to be on their butts just as hard as Ive been on the Rs.

I dont want anyone even my own using these tactics.
I love how they ask what he would have done with access to a computer. He probably would have been lost to science and spent all his time reading "bible codes".

He was a product of his times. When he lived, the notion that a god existed was so predominant. Even Darwin started out as a dedicated Christian. Transposing Newton to the modern day would have to involve bringing Newton up in the modern day. If he wasn't exposed to the intense religious fervour of the times during his conditioning I couldn't see him revelling in bible codes.