Sir Isaac Newton...

I love how they ask what he would have done with access to a computer. He probably would have been lost to science and spent all his time reading "bible codes".

He was a product of his times. When he lived, the notion that a god existed was so predominant. Even Darwin started out as a dedicated Christian. Transposing Newton to the modern day would have to involve bringing Newton up in the modern day. If he wasn't exposed to the intense religious fervour of the times during his conditioning I couldn't see him revelling in bible codes.
This seems more of a wish to believe that he would be like you than it is a true understanding of how he would live today. There are many profoundly religious people today and it could be that he would grow up with them as well now as he did back then. He learned hebrew so that he could study his belief in the original language. I don't know if he would be religious or not, but if he was he may have been lost in those studies if they had been made easier by the use of computers.