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Not if you pronounce owl as "ull".

It's pronounced like "out" with an "l" instead of a "t". It's not hard. It's a one-syllable word.

   [oul] Show IPA
any of numerous, chiefly nocturnal birds of prey, of the order Strigiformes, having a broad head with large, forward-directed eyes that are usually surrounded by disks of modified feathers: many populations are diminishing owing to loss of habitat.
It's pronounced like "out" with an "l" instead of a "t". It's not hard. It's a one-syllable word.

   [oul] Show IPA
any of numerous, chiefly nocturnal birds of prey, of the order Strigiformes, having a broad head with large, forward-directed eyes that are usually surrounded by disks of modified feathers: many populations are diminishing owing to loss of habitat.

I was joking. It comes with having an overabundance.
I was joking. It comes with having an overabundance.

I just assume those Bostonianers with that wickedly nasty accent say something like Owull for Owl and think it has 2 syllables... I was making fun of Grind. It's like listening to a Midwesterner add an "r" to the words wash, oil, and toilet. Funny.
Only Jersey folks
say 'were-n't' instead of 'weren't'
I'm not from Jersey

By the way, US -
Contractions are what you mean -
Not conjunction use

In western PA we say "wurnt", one syllable, sorta like "wurst" but with an N. We have regional dialect haiku.
Good blog! Have you gotten to do any more accuracy testing on the KelTec? I have been most jealous on that one. I'd love to have a bullpup in 7.62.

Speaking of guns... what is the rec from you gun pros for a 9mm? Just looking for something smaller to play with on the range than my .45