SJJ Knows Guns and Knives Period..PROOF

Real Cute Karmat, butt try finding a thumb shot photo of a target with three shots, all touching, 3/8 of an inch apart, that will stump your ass. First of all three shots touching at any distance would be rare, and with a thumb, impossibkle, try to find one, I will give you a month, Karmat, and have your butt buddy Sho Sho help you. I can post one right now with four fingers, you want one, let me know, within 5 minutes, its on here, in fact I will? Keep stalking me, you will learn because I will teach you what is what.....I have spoken...I just decided to post a foot photo, try this size 13 on for size, bend over...LOL
Folks, do you see that sometimes you have to go a little radical to get ur done, without getting out of line or going too far verbally. I push back butt I push back clean, no Commie tactics ever from me. I now even have at least two Mods stalking me, how cool is that? Stupid is as stupit does..infinity, I know you are, butt what am I...LOL
Holy fuck, that is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. You need some Tanactin or something.
I do have to use a scraper occasionally, but I have never had an ingrown toenail or athletes foot. Feet are ugly unless you are Clintons former Campaign Manager turned Republican, o sheet he might sue me....
Real Cute Karmat, butt try finding a thumb shot photo of a target with three shots, all touching, 3/8 of an inch apart, that will stump your ass. First of all three shots touching at any distance would be rare, and with a thumb, impossibkle, try to find one, I will give you a month, Karmat, and have your butt buddy Sho Sho help you. I can post one right now with four fingers, you want one, let me know, within 5 minutes, its on here, in fact I will? Keep stalking me, you will learn because I will teach you what is what.....I have spoken...I just decided to post a foot photo, try this size 13 on for size, bend over...LOL

you could have just found this foot picture at the same site you found the thumb pictures. THIS STILL does not prove that knife is yours. WHY do you try and avoid something that can actually PROVE it's yours?

You need to put your username in the picture. You know, something that would take like TWO SECONDS if this was actually your knife. Instead you keep avoiding the issue.

If you want to prove that knife is yours, I demand you draw a stick figure with a lightning bolt over its head. THAT is specific and not something you can just luck out and find on the internet. If you do that, I will accept surrender. But until then, you haven't proved shit, and it's looking more and more that you are just a lying tool that doesn't know shit about knives.

I'll be waiting.
if you prove me wrong, and that knife is actually yours, I will make a full apology post. the ball is in your court
if you prove me wrong, and that knife is actually yours, I will make a full apology post. the ball is in your court
I have Sharpie Pens in Blue, Red, Green and Black, which color do you want me to use when I draw the Stick figure? I will also sign my User Name underneath like Rembrant did, let me know?
Folks, do you see that sometimes you have to go a little radical to get ur done, without getting out of line or going too far verbally. I push back butt I push back clean, no Commie tactics ever from me. I now even have at least two Mods stalking me, how cool is that? Stupid is as stupit does..infinity, I know you are, butt what am I...LOL

You kicked some serious mod ass here SJ. I bet Grind isn't going to show his face again now that you took him up on his stick figure dare.
You kicked some serious mod ass here SJ. I bet Grind isn't going to show his face again now that you took him up on his stick figure dare.
Here it is Darla, check this out....I used to post all kinds of stuff on the old Board, so this is fun for me, anyway here is a photo of my signed Technicolor stick figure with part of my top quality Kitchen knife collection. I have maybe 35 more knives, and used to have some very valuable Japanese Samurai Swords, until the Japanese Mafia(Yakuza) got involved, and whom I believe tried to break into my house to steel them. That Japanese Sword Club stupidly sent out a list of all its Sword Club owner members, with addresses to each other and that was that, there were sword thefts everywhere, some in the major news outlets, on TV. I had one sword worth about $100,000 at that time, and it had validation papers from Japan, the Green Origami paper and I have a glossy photo of that blade, which I think that I will post here now, of course with that signed stick figure "validator", therefore there are two photos below. This should upstage anything that Sho Sho and Karmat have done in this thread or any other thread that I have seriously been in, let's see if he/she is "man" enough to apologize, if he/she doesn't I will repost that promise maybe in my signature. I was shocked to see Damo get involved, but of course the buck stops at his desk, and I can see why he needed to step in to save their asses, which also proves that I was dismantling them piece by piece, otherwise why did Damo come to their rescue? These two "Mods" thought that because they are "Mods", that they could bully me into submission...not, never happen..........

I love the middle finger! I was going to say, SJ you should post a stick figure flipping the bird! That's funny.

Maybe they will STFU now. Like Grind (karmat) is a big knife expert. Cheese knives maybe! He is a Boston metrosexual who gets facials and manicures. These gun and knife threads crack me up. Grind doesn't even own a gun he is afraid he will drop it on his foot and ruin his pedicure! don't even get me started on Sho Sho
I love the middle finger! I was going to say, SJ you should post a stick figure flipping the bird! That's funny.

Maybe they will STFU now. Like Grind (karmat) is a big knife expert. Cheese knives maybe! He is a Boston metrosexual who gets facials and manicures. These gun and knife threads crack me up. Grind doesn't even own a gun he is afraid he will drop it on his foot and ruin his pedicure! don't even get me started on Sho Sho
Thanks, I really feel sorry for these two Bopsy Twins(remember that one?) because they really painted themselves into a corner with that stick figure challenge crap. I hope that Damo does not chew them out too much, or even shitcan one of them, because their Forum BadAss Mod power mystique has been irreparably shattered. Many on this Forum are afraid to come back at them for fear of being banned, which they might do to me later if I mess up, but I won't because I am now studying all the rules, which seem to be always changing. I was shocked by Damo intervening, but I understand, he needed to save his two stooges from more utter ass kicking devastation, and notice how Karmat or Sho Sho tried to appease me at the end, because they knew that they had partially opened up a can of hyper whip ass. I hope that Sho Sho and Karmat do not need to see some shrink or that Damo is paying for them to get some counseling.
I love the middle finger! I was going to say, SJ you should post a stick figure flipping the bird! That's funny.

Maybe they will STFU now. Like Grind (karmat) is a big knife expert. Cheese knives maybe! He is a Boston metrosexual who gets facials and manicures. These gun and knife threads crack me up. Grind doesn't even own a gun he is afraid he will drop it on his foot and ruin his pedicure! don't even get me started on Sho Sho
Karmat lied because yesterday he/she said that "it" would issue an apology....from Karmat: "ok I am convinced. I will make my apology post later today. You really do know your knives.".....

I can hardly believe that a bonafied Mod would outright lie on their own Forum to one of their own members. Where is Damo now, since he entered into the fray, you would think that he would "order" Karmat or Sho Sho to say "uncle"?

My dilemma now is whether I should boot them around(ass kicking) some more or let the Forum readers know about this miscarriage of Political Forum justice, my impression of this Forum is different now than before? I understand that there are many other good Forums to post on, and I believe that these Mods are now scheming to boot me off, but they need to have a real good reason, not just that I embarrassed two of their Mods, otherwise SJJ will get really pissed, and they sure do not need that scenario to unfold?

To Karmat and Sho Sho: PM apologies will not be acceptable by me, I will totally ignore them, I want a Forum apology on this thread, like you stated in this thread, so let's go, just do it, sho some huevos. If you two refuse, I will keep reposting this thread until you do(infinity), SJJ knows how to play hardballs also. PS, I would accept the apology from Damo, if his two Mods do not have the gumption(nerve) to do it, then I will still respect Damo as our "Leader" again, which is what I want to do, actually. Of course, Damo could remove this post except that I have completely copied it for posterity.