Slate: "Massachusetts Best State in the Nation" :D

If you look at the state profile, though:


Yeah, my region still sucks pretty hard.
Grind, no one really thinks of Massachusetts at all. There are guys like me, who think New England is awesome, and that's pretty much it. No one thinks Mass. sucks, and no one thinks it is superior - they simply don't think about it at all. When people think of states that suck, they typically think of Miss., Cali, NJ, Ohio, Texass, or whatever state they happen to hate that is well-known. Similarly, when people talk about a state they think is awesome, such as Colorado, Florida, New York, Cali (typically has as many lovers as haters), it has to be a state that is commonly thought about at all.
Hey, at least the sports teams are busy putting Mass. on the map. But, Grind, I think the problem your state has going for it is that it is largely "great" due to its historical significance to America (i.e. the state most responsible for this country existing). Now, what subject do Americans just absolutely, 100% fucking SUCK at?
What the hell are you smoking, I am never sober enough to think on St. Patricks day... ya puss

It takes quite a bit more than a Coors Light to intoxicate me, so naturally I retain cognitive ability long after it has surpassed your limited tolerances.