Slaving for 28.8 hours ?

Minarchy is impractical because, when regulation is minimized below the level of the nation-state, wealth begins to accumulate in a very few hands very quickly. With wealth comes power and thus the economic elite -- the plutarchs or oligarchs -- begin to engineer society by economic means rather than political means. This is far less desirable because it is less transparent.

However when this occurs this is the result of voluntary action enterend into by parties who agree to certain terms which have not been forced upon them. A society that has unequal wealth distribution as a result of voluntary free association is still better than one that is more equal in wealth as a result of using violent coercion to make it so.
BTW let me add that if I was creating a society from scratch I would say these resources should have never been appropriating in the first place since I do at least believe that ownership of natural resources is theft in of itself.

However we have not followed such a model and regulation requires wresting away property that we granted legitimacy to the ownership of.
BTW let me add that if I was creating a society from scratch I would say these resources should have never been appropriating in the first place since I do at least believe that ownership of natural resources is theft in of itself.

However we have not followed such a model and regulation requires wresting away property that we granted legitimacy to the ownership of.

most of our resources are not privately owned.

No one can own water - water is a public resource, that the people have a right to regulate and protect. Most timber, minerals, oil, and gas are on public property owned by the taxpayer of the United States.
maybe they are just thinking ahead....with more baby boomers retiring, those that are left are going to have to drastically increase their productivity via hours worked or working harder to cover all those soon to be, big consuming, retirees?