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Sleepy Sniffer Uncle Joe Biden, lifelong Democrat, professional politician & Democrat candidate for Donald Trump’s job, proves his “principled” mentality by flipping his long held support for the Hyde amendment that prevents the federal government giving taxpayers dollars to abortions. Ole Unk decided that if he had a shot at Trumps job, he’d have to kneel down & bow his hair sniffing head to his evil party’s demands for fed dollars for their Planned Parenthood abortion clinics centered in & round the Democrat’s governed inner-city ghettoes, so they, the slave owning Democrat party could eliminate more black babies. Sleepy Joe is hanging his hat on the traditional Democrat’s belief that blacks are too stupid to know what’s going on & thereby kill off their own unborn children to make up for the democrat’s lynchings of blacks that’s now illegal. Ole Joe knows Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics can kill off more blacks than the KKK ever could for his evil party. Besides, Sleepy Joe can’t let Bernie get the Democrat pro-kill-black-babies vote, if he really want’s Donald’s job. That damned Hitler Putin loving Trump is bringing JOBS to the black neighborhoods and allowing them to become self sufficient & have some pride in themselves, Democrats gotta stop that shit! They’re might be black Republicans come outta that shit!