Sleepy Sniffer Uncle Joe Biden Joins Bernie to kill black babies

Evidence please!

Who do you think should be paying for PP abortions?

Who do I hate? Evidence please!

Off topic! This thread is about Sleepy Hair Sniffer Creepy Uncle Joe Biden!

Explain please what caused Sleepy Joe after Sleepy Joe’s entire political career he’s supported the Hyde amendment that forbids federal taxpayer’s dollars from going to abortions, but last week Ole Joe now favors taxpayer’s dollars financing abortions. How did that happen?

How do you wander around in total ignorance? ? The Hyde amendment is popular with Dems. he is running for president. Even you should be able to figure that out. Biden is in excellent shape and has a strong workout routine. And you , because you know nothing ,but follow trump like he is a religion, call him sleepy joe.
TYrump is fat ,out of shape and shows signs of dementia.
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What was established before the election was a recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression. Everything that Trump is taking credit for is just a continuation of trends that were part of that recovery.

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The Bush Obama recession was caused by leftist policies of selling houses to people that couldn't afford them & the Bush/Democrat Congress Iraq war spending that nearly every Democrat in congress voted for. The recovery would have been twice as fast had the Bush/Obama bank bailout hadn't been the system established by both incompetent Presidents.
How do you wander around in total ignorance? ? The Hyde amendment is popular with Dems.

Which Democrats?

he is running for president. Even you should be able to figure that out.

So that’s why he flipped his position on the Hyde amendment, huh? He has to get the Democrat nomination and democrats love killing babies, especially black babies. At least you’ve admitted that Loony Uncle Joe is either an unprincipled hypocrite, or he thinks killing babies GOOD & his Catholic religion BAD, right?

v-Biden is in excellent shape and has a strong workout routine.

And you present propaganda from Uncle Joe’s health club as evidence, right? The only thing that’s evidence of is the proprietors are likely leftist & they’d like to keep Sleepy Joe’s business.

A total physical work up report by a licenced physician would be evidence, not leftist propaganda.

And you , because you know nothing ,but follow trump like he is a religion, call him sleepy joe.

I never called The Donald, “Sleepy Joe.”

Whitfield Larrabee is an ambulance chasing lawyer & leftist blogger in Massachusetts & you present his opinion as evidence, right? Please produce a copy of his medical degree.
Trump has played more golf than Obama did at this point. He's on track to play more golf in four years than Obama did in eight. Yet the same press that constantly attacked Obama for his golfing has been completely silent about Trump's golfing. And much of the cost of his golf outings has gone into his own pocket, in violation of the emoluments clause. And all this from the one who promised that he was going to be too busy working for us to play golf. Just another lie that his cultists ignore in their derangement over Trump.

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The Bush Obama recession was caused by leftist policies of selling houses to people that couldn't afford them & the Bush/Democrat Congress Iraq war spending that nearly every Democrat in congress voted for. The recovery would have been twice as fast had the Bush/Obama bank bailout hadn't been the system established by both incompetent Presidents.

The Recession was in full swing before Obama took office, so your blaming him for it is just your usual partisan dishonesty. It was the banks themselves that created the crisis. And the Iraq war was largely a result of the lies that W told. At least you admit that W was incompetent.

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Which Democrats?

So that’s why he flipped his position on the Hyde amendment, huh? He has to get the Democrat nomination and democrats love killing babies, especially black babies. At least you’ve admitted that Loony Uncle Joe is either an unprincipled hypocrite, or he thinks killing babies GOOD & his Catholic religion BAD, right?

And you present propaganda from Uncle Joe’s health club as evidence, right? The only thing that’s evidence of is the proprietors are likely leftist & they’d like to keep Sleepy Joe’s business.

A total physical work up report by a licenced physician would be evidence, not leftist propaganda.

I never called The Donald, “Sleepy Joe.”

Whitfield Larrabee is an ambulance chasing lawyer & leftist blogger in Massachusetts & you present his opinion as evidence, right? Please produce a copy of his medical degree.
You are in complete denial about Trump, deep in your TDS. And nobody is being forced to have an abortion, unless it's their family or their Republican politician lover doing the forcing.

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The Recession was in full swing before Obama took office, so your blaming him for it is just your usual partisan dishonesty. It was the banks themselves that created the crisis. And the Iraq war was largely a result of the lies that W told. At least you admit that W was incompetent.

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Bwarny Fagg caused the housing crisis.
Sleepy Sniffer Uncle Joe Biden, lifelong Democrat, professional politician & Democrat candidate for Donald Trump’s job, proves his “principled” mentality by flipping his long held support for the Hyde amendment that prevents the federal government giving taxpayers dollars to abortions. Ole Unk decided that if he had a shot at Trumps job, he’d have to kneel down & bow his hair sniffing head to his evil party’s demands for fed dollars for their Planned Parenthood abortion clinics centered in & round the Democrat’s governed inner-city ghettoes, so they, the slave owning Democrat party could eliminate more black babies. Sleepy Joe is hanging his hat on the traditional Democrat’s belief that blacks are too stupid to know what’s going on & thereby kill off their own unborn children to make up for the democrat’s lynchings of blacks that’s now illegal. Ole Joe knows Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics can kill off more blacks than the KKK ever could for his evil party. Besides, Sleepy Joe can’t let Bernie get the Democrat pro-kill-black-babies vote, if he really want’s Donald’s job. That damned Hitler Putin loving Trump is bringing JOBS to the black neighborhoods and allowing them to become self sufficient & have some pride in themselves, Democrats gotta stop that shit! They’re might be black Republicans come outta that shit!

no everyone is a rightwing subhuman cracka goyim like you

Anti choice laws are a threat to my religious freedom as a Jew … because according to classical Jewish text and most rabbinic interpreters, a developing embryo or fetus is not ‘an unborn child’ or ‘person,’ but has the legal status of an appendage of the pregnant woman. It is part of her body, not a separate person, until the moment that a majority of a viable baby capable of independent life has been born.”

save me your spectacle of crocodile tears pretending to care about black people
The Bush Obama recession was caused by leftist policies of selling houses to people that couldn't afford them & the Bush/Democrat Congress Iraq war spending that nearly every Democrat in congress voted for. The recovery would have been twice as fast had the Bush/Obama bank bailout hadn't been the system established by both incompetent Presidents.

As usual, you are completely wrong. Where do you get these lies that you repeat like gospel? You are so far out in conspiracy land that you cannot imagine what the truth looks like.
The Recession was in full swing before Obama took office, so your blaming him for it is just your usual partisan dishonesty. It was the banks themselves that created the crisis. And the Iraq war was largely a result of the lies that W told. At least you admit that W was incompetent.

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I didn't blame Obama for the conditions that created the recession, though he likely favored the congressional democrats policy of guaranteeing home loans thru Fannie & Freddie for poor folks that didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of paying back those loans. I only blamed Obama 50% for the continuation of the recession by following the BUSH policy of bank bailouts. The other 50% of that blame belongs to DUBYA.

The banks took advantage of the democrat congressional majority's policy by incorporating bad mortgage loans with good loans & created a lucrative multi-billion $ system of fucking over the entire mortgage market & insurance place world wide and when the scam was finally recognized the western world went into a severe recession. There's nothing "partisan" about that truth, it's simply the truth!

Actually the lies told were the product of our incompetent Intelligence Agencies & the incompetence of both parties in the Congress & the President. You can make a "partisan" propaganda narrative out of it if you like, I prefer the truth!
As usual, you are completely wrong. Where do you get these lies that you repeat like gospel? You are so far out in conspiracy land that you cannot imagine what the truth looks like.

BORING!!!!! Try making a rational argument at least once in awhile, OK?