Truck Fump / h1b
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That is a big reason I consider libertarians to be unrealistic idelaists.
I don't think it's that innocent. In the face of obvious fascism and corruption, stringass keeps repeating his idiotic mantras.
That is a big reason I consider libertarians to be unrealistic idelaists.
I go for that.
but fear it is just too idealistic as well. considering we are just animals in pants with tools.
On banking, back to what worked fine since the depression era.
On Bear Stearns stuff. Don't let any one of them get big enough to crush our economy if it fails. or make them go by banking regs.
We need sustainable growth , not just growth for growths sake.
On banking, back to what worked fine since the depression era.
On Bear Stearns stuff. Don't let any one of them get big enough to crush our economy if it fails. or make them go by banking regs.
We need sustainable growth , not just growth for growths sake.
If government got out of the way of businesses, such as with this subsidation (sp) of Walmart, then businesses wouldn't get involved with legislatures. But if you run a business and some official is going to pass some law that will benefit a competitor and harm you you're damn right that business is going up there fighting.
If government got out of the way of businesses, such as with this subsidation (sp) of Walmart, then businesses wouldn't get involved with legislatures. But if you run a business and some official is going to pass some law that will benefit a competitor and harm you you're damn right that business is going up there fighting.
the hell they would not get involved. We have to use our military to protect US business interests over seas. Iminent domain for private use.
Routing tax dollars to private industry, etc...
that's what we today as a result of excessive government involvement in the economy.
Sorry, the "let's just deregulate everything" is a hopelessly naive, and dangerous proposition. There's a reason we need anti-trust laws, wage laws, worker safety laws, zoning laws, and price gouging laws. This isn't the law of the jungle, and the age of the robber barons taught us what an unfettered market looks like.
The most realistic solution is to eliminate the influence of corporate money and influence on elected officials.
Should we have government officials hold our hands when we walk outside our house too? Everything you listed is an attempt to limited freedom. Zoning laws? Are you kidding me?
Are you going to tell company X, escuse me but you all are too successful and therefore we the government are going to cut you off?
Im not sure libertarianism means the right to free and unrestricted elitist collusion and fascism.
Libertarians are a mess AH.
Libertairians are a mess but you say the U.S., which is run by Republicans and Democrats, is going to be a second world country in 20 years.
For libertarians, monopolies and fascism = free markets. Interesting.