Smile! A boomer died today!

Maybe that's true of those in the earliest part of our cohort (born before 1950) but since then I think we're representative of the political spectrum as a whole. People born before 1946 (earliest year of Boomer births) are the ones who most tend to vote (R) -- but they are not Boomers.
The children are just jealous because they missed the sixties ;).
Maybe that's true of those in the earliest part of our cohort (born before 1950) but since then I think we're representative of the political spectrum as a whole. People born before 1946 (earliest year of Boomer births) are the ones who most tend to vote (R) -- but they are not Boomers.

Most the boomers I know are very left.
Not down south though.
Most the boomers I know are very left.
Not down south though.

My h.s. has a FB page where we all blather and talk about life events, and those who still live in the STL use it to plan get-togethers too. I'd say that the whole political spectrum is represented by this group. Some are outspokenly conservative; others the same with liberal issues; but most are middle-of-the-road. I think you're right about living in the South having something to do with it. The three kids (two girls, one boy) who lived next door to us growing up are all DVMs now. The oldest (girl) lives in PA and seems to be fairly liberal, as does the middle (also girl) one who lives in California. The youngest (the boy) lives in Texas and is virulently conservative. As in his entire FB page is nothing but TrumpIsWonderfulLibtardsAreEvil shit. Even funnier, one of my childhood friends, Laurel, still lives near STL and is fairly left. But her older brother Bob moved to Idaho and is just what you'd expect... imbued with fundie Xtian stuff and again, virulently anti-Obama/anti-left. Bob was an odd kid. He never played sports or hung out with my brothers or the other guys in the area. He spent his time in the rapidly-dwindling suburban woods hunting, trapping, and actually curing furs and selling them. It's like he was born in the wrong century; he should have been a mountain man in the early 1800s.