APP - snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Because they are named "teabaggers" by your group. They are doing the teabagging, your side is who they are teabagging, hence you are the teabaggees.

You should be proud to announce to the world how you love being teabaggees, so that people can continue to "giggle" when you try to dismiss their protest by calling them "teabaggers". Open wide.

1. Not my group.
2. Looks to me like they are trying to do "teabagging" but failing miserably and thus getting "tebagged.
1. Not my group.
2. Looks to me like they are trying to do "teabagging" but failing miserably and thus getting "tebagged.
Desperate twisting. Your side decided to try to label them in such a childish way, you have to accept the other side of your label as well.

In the future expect to see such phrases as, "Teabaggee Nancy Pelosi was met by a group of teabagger protesters..."

Or "Teabaggee Harry Reid opened wide today when he was confronted by constituent teabaggers..."
Desperate twisting. Your side decided to try to label them in such a childish way, you have to accept the other side of your label as well.

In the future expect to see such phrases as, "Teabaggee Nancy Pelosi was met by a group of teabagger protesters..."

I think we can all reach a consensus that the "teabagging" thing has become rather tired and any remaining vestige of humour, which it allegedly once possessed, dried up a long time ago.
Desperate twisting. Your side decided to try to label them in such a childish way, you have to accept the other side of your label as well.

In the future expect to see such phrases as, "Teabaggee Nancy Pelosi was met by a group of teabagger protesters..."

Or "Teabaggee Harry Reid opened wide today when he was confronted by constituent teabaggers..."

Describe it how you wish, and expect me to call YOUR SIDE the teabaggee's.
Describe it how you wish, and expect me to call YOUR SIDE the teabaggee's.
LOL. Again a desperate twisting in the wind. Your side already labeled them, accepting quietly the unanticipated and surprise labeling of yourself.

I hope the teabagger protesters proudly proclaim it, and continue to make more of the Congressional D Leadership and their followers into Teabaggees. They've opened wide, and have told the world who the teabaggers are.

Maybe we should just call them the Openwiders...
Because they are named "teabaggers" by your group. They are doing the teabagging, your side is who they are teabagging, hence you are the teabaggees.

You should be proud to announce to the world how you love being teabaggees, so that people can continue to "giggle" when you try to dismiss their protest by calling them "teabaggers". Open wide.

Man, have another six-pack Damo. This is kinda wierd.

So Republican teabaggers want to put their balls in the mouths of Obama, Biden, Jarod, and Cypress?

Why do republican dudes want to put their balls in the mouth of other dudes? That's some shit that has never even crossed my mind.

I guess this explains why dudes like Larry Craig and Ted Haggard become republicans. :pke:
Man, have another six-pack Damo. This is kinda wierd.

So Republican teabaggers want to put their balls in the mouths of Obama, Biden, Jarod, and Cypress?

Why do republican dudes want to put their balls in the mouth of other dudes? That's some shit that has never even crossed my mind.

I guess this explains why dudes like Larry Craig and Ted Haggard become republicans. :pke:
LOL. It's the picture you wanted to bring by championing the term "teabaggers"... isn't it? Openwiders are pretty much loudmouths who want to dismiss others rather than pay attention to their opinions... This is a fair thing to do in politics, about half the people disagree with you.

And of course it "crossed your mind" it was the lefty imagination that brought up the idea of "teabaggers" to begin with, Cypress. Methinks again thou dost protest too much.

You and your fellow openwiders will just have to keep cheering on the "teabaggers." Or you can try to label them differently, but it is apparent that this is a fun picture of jocularity for both sides, it might be difficult. At least I'm enjoying it.
I call them tea whiners...

People who do not want to pay there fair share. People who do not want accept personal resonsability!

They drive on public roads to get to the protest, but they dont want to pay taxes to keep those roads maintained. Waaaa, dont tax me!