Snowflake Trump's phony war on the media

Get over it. Trump runs his admin like an unhinged lunatic - it's not going to get much positive coverage.
That's the ticket - don't discuss anything he says except a bad tweet.
FFS now even Mueller is combing thru his Tweets! How do you obstruct by Tweeting?????

anyways you miss the point about how extreme animus distorts the coverage to open hostility news.
By now that's by both sides. But the press has the megaphone to out shout
Here's a straightforward question: when will Trump stop calling the media 'fake news'?

I'll answer it: only when every outlet reports like they are a PR firm for the White House and the Trump brand. ONLY when there are only flattering stories, and literally zero criticism of his policies, actions & words.

And even Republicans know that's true. Trump's l'il ego gets bruised, so he has to trash an entire profession. It's who he is.

He will never do it because they won’t stop lying.

They get everything they deserve. They are the mouth organ for your democrat party
And before being President, he was used to flattering stories about his successes & his reality TV ratings. Once in awhile he'd lash out when there was a bankruptcy story, but the coverage was mostly favorable.

We knew he wouldn't be able to handle that aspect of the Presidency. Every President in my lifetime has been relentlessly criticized, every day, from all sides. The good leaders roll with it. Trump wilts.

Why would they give a philandering racist positive coverage?

This post of yours highlights the problem but you don’t have the political acumen or self awareness to realize it

Never fear. I am here to explain
You might as well have
Peter Strzok running the news/networks considering their amount of extreme animus shown towards Trump

Pretty much.

More than a few of them are incapable of reporting fairly on Trump. One poll showed where 90% of media coverage on Trump was negative.

They deserve what they get.
he is in their heads, by design.

They didn't learn during campaign season 2016 that the more they beat on Trump, the more popular he becomes.
They are playing checkers while Trump is playing Chess.
Lord Littlethinger's Civility Nobility gathers for a group hug
