So don't forget socialism

Ill take a free market capitalist society over a bureaucratic socialist one any day.

When did a capitalist ever have the guts to do his own dirty work, man? You underpay people to murder as you underpay them to do everything else, stealing the benefits, as well you know. You live under a capitalist government that serves capitalism, as you know. We want a government of working people that serves humanity. Get out of the way, since you have nothing to offer.
GenX slackers compared to whom?
Baby boomers ruined this country. They basically threw out everything their parents ( WWII ) generation worked for.
And now their children, are a bunch of lazy whiners.

then get the fuck out of this country you American hating slime
Capitalism MUST be fettered with sound regualtions that have to be adjusted as the world changes and we change.

Their is no automatic setting like the brain dead right seems to think
the same definition you have of it. I just don't agree with it.
it will never work because you cannot control human nature. There are people that will always want more
and there is nothing wrong with allowing people to work harder to achieve more. This notion that socialism is about "fairness"
is crap because all it does is award the lazy. Why would anyone want to work harder under socialism?

Let me ask you a question: What is your definition of socialism?
exactly. but not to the point that it stifles growth.

Capitalism MUST be fettered with sound regualtions that have to be adjusted as the world changes and we change.

Their is no automatic setting like the brain dead right seems to think
you are right, they are not "soshulust". Don't even know what that is.
they may have elements of free makets, but so does Cuba to some degree, but they are more socialist in nature.

no buttbrain this is evince.

Hears some facts for YOU.

europe is not soshulust.

They are free market you dumb shit

is the made up word the right calls anything that they dont like.

socialism has no meaning to them.

they need fake words with plyable meanings to numb the idiots minds with
europe is capitalist.

pretending for your stupid memes that it is not doesnt make you look very smart
never heard of shohulust, Sounds like baby talk from the left.
but since we are on that topic of name calling, you lefties seem to love to label the right
as hate mongers, homophobes,racist or whatever comes to your nimble minds, of anyone that does not agree with you.

They would love you at It's a big Obama liberal love fest up there.


is the made up word the right calls anything that they dont like.

socialism has no meaning to them.

they need fake words with plyable meanings to numb the idiots minds with
1. Has there ever been a democratic capitalism? Capitalism has established what amounts to a global dictatorship, not the magical utopia you see when reading Hayek.

So you choose to ignore the question “Where has socialism ever established a “democracy?” by asking a question irrelevant to the question?

Well RC, unlike you I answer questions. The answer to your question is there has never been an absolute “democracy” as Jefferson noted, a democracy can only work at the lowest of local governmental levels, i. e. a family of adults or at the most a small town. A government by “referendum” is absurd and begs for corruption, fraud, bribery and the instigation of terror and establishing angry mobs.

Capitalism on the other hand is mankind’s oldest and most successful economic system because it is totally in lock step with human nature. Humans are created as individuals not some brain-dead mob of collective zombies.