So, I took mushrooms again


Last time, I sat around and cried for 8 hours. This time I tripped. O_O

However, it mostly consisted of things seeming unusually interesting, colors seeming especially vivid, and the appearance of geometric patterns when I had my eyes closed or I was in darkness. There were no demons, and I did not see God. Also, it went away after about 2 hours. And there is something weird about the drug - it has a strange, paranoid, anxiety inducing edge. After you stop tripping, this is all that is left. And that's when the party stopped - all we could do was sit around staring at each other, feeling shame, and trying to drink off this edge. It's also very tiring - you can't move on the drug

My friends had acid a few weeks ago, unfortunately, they took it before I arrived at the party. It seemed to be more energetic, the trip lasted longer for them, and they didn't have this weird paranoid edge. Therefore, I think, acid > mushrooms. Unfortunately, acid is difficult to get ahold of, and I don't know when they'll have it next, or if I'll ever get to try it at all.

In summary, Watermark > Grind.
i hate mushrooms and acid. first time shrooms, horrible trip. acid, first two times awesome and incredible sex. third time, worst trip ever. never touched anything but alcohol and marijuana since.
Well, I heard of this cactus that contains the same stuff as in Peyote and is legal, but there's a lot less of it per gram and you have to take a lot of it and it tastes disgusting. But I can't show this to my friends because if it doesn't work then that'd just be embarrassing. So I have to test it out first, like a scientist, or an idiot.
With Peyote I laughed my ass off.
Of course I usually did that with acid as well.
And with pot.

I like to laugh a lot I guess?
do you experience visual hallucinations? or just a faster heart rate and a hyper paranoia?

As for seeing things that are not actually there? That's mostly confined to close eye hallucinations, and, again, it was pretty geometric patterns, not anything sensible. The vivedness and way things looked more interesting (for instance, I was watching finding Nemo, and the Ellen Degenerous fish looked more blue than anything I'd ever seen in my life) could be considered hallucinations in themselves.

And I did get the hyper paranoia, mostly after the trip weared off. The first time I tried it, basically all I got was hyper paranoia.
I think that the drug may simply have different effects at different levels of dosing (this happens with a lot of drugs, recreatioanal or medicinal). So, low dosages simply cause paranoia, while high dosages cause you to trip. And, as it wears off, you go back into the low dosage area of paranoia.
I think that the drug may simply have different effects at different levels of dosing (this happens with a lot of drugs, recreatioanal or medicinal). So, low dosages simply cause paranoia, while high dosages cause you to trip. And, as it wears off, you go back into the low dosage area of paranoia.
Yes, that's true.

As well, when you learn that you're driving the bus, you'll never have a bad experience again. Unless of course, you choose to go out into public, and wind up in jail for vehicular manslaughter or something.

'Acid' (kinda like ectasy...everyone seems to have their own recipe) is only as good as the person who makes it allows it to be. Often, there's a lot of speed added. It's much more intense than shrooms/peyote.

Again, when you gain control of your mind, you'll realize that you create your own experience. Some amazing things happen when you trip in groups. If you're all doing the same stuff, you'll all have the same hallucinations. Likewise, you'll actually 'hear' each other thinking.

IOW, you'll all have similar thoughts.

Mid 70's, 3 of us are tripping out asses off in a midnight Hendrix movie. We get out of the show, and we're driving home. I'm in the back seat, and an opposum crosses the road in front of us. For me, the tail is about 10' long, and rainbow colored.

I say nothing, because I know it isn't real. 2 minutes go by, dead silence in the car. My buddy in the front seat asks "did you see the tail on that thing?"

Ahhhh....the good ole days.
last night I had a dream that I took mushrooms. So this is about the second time in a week my dreams are being influenced by jpp.
I think that the drug may simply have different effects at different levels of dosing (this happens with a lot of drugs, recreatioanal or medicinal). So, low dosages simply cause paranoia, while high dosages cause you to trip. And, as it wears off, you go back into the low dosage area of paranoia.

watermark, with many drugs like attracts like. if you are feeling anxious or apprehensive, that's what your trip is going to be like. Enviroment and state of mind are very key.